in geographic grouping
has border with
geographic focus of
5 Alasan menghentikan deforestasi hutan mangrove sangat berguna bagi mitigasi perubahan iklim di Indonesia
5 Reasons stopping mangrove deforestation makes a whole lot of sense for climate change mitigation in Indonesia
A Community-based monitoring system for peat swamp forest restoration Conference Poster
A Comparative Zoogeographic View on the Animal Biodiversity of Indonesia and Japan Chapter
A Review of Techniques for Effective Tropical Peatland Restoration Academic Article
A comparison of satellite remote sensing data fusion methods to map peat swamp forest loss in Sumatra, Indonesia Academic Article
A new method for rapid measurement of canal water table depth using airborne LiDAR, with application to drained peatlands in indonesia Academic Article
A proposal of community-based firefighting in peat hydrological unit of Kahayan – Sebangau River: methods and approaches Academic Article
A radiative forcing analysis of tropical peatlands before and after their conversion to agricultural plantations Academic Article
A review of the drivers of tropical peatland degradation in South-East Asia Academic Article
APP Sinarmas Person
APP forest conservation policy Presentation
Achmadi, A.S. Person
Achnopha, Y. Person
Adachi, M. Person
Adetutu, E.M. Person
Adinugroho, W.C. Person
Aditya, T. Person
Adriani, D. Person
Adrianto, H.A. Person
Adriany, T.A. Person
Advances in the determination of humification degree in peat since Achard (1786): applications in geochemical and paleoenvironmental Academic Article
Adventa, A. Person
Aenunaim Person
Affianto, A. Person
Afifudin, M. Person
Afriyanti, D. Person
Agroforestri di lahan gambut: menggabungkan fungsi produktif dan protektif sebagai bagian dari restorasi
Agroforestry Berbasis Jelutung Rawa : Solusi Sosial, Ekonomi, dan Lingkungan Pengelolaan Lahan Gambut Book
Agroforestry on peatlands: combining productive and protective functions as part of restoration
Agroforests, Swiddening and Livelihoods between Restored Peat Domes and River: Effects of the 2015 Fire Ban in Central Kalimantan (Indonesia) Academic Article
Agroforesty system for rehabilitation of degraded peatland in Central Kalimantan Academic Article
Agus, C. Person
Agus, F. Person
Agustini, L. Person
Aguswan, Y. Person
Akbar, A. Person
Akbar, O.T. Person
Akhdiya, A. Person
Akmalia, R. Person
Aksomo, H. Person
Al Rashid, S. Person
Al-Zaqie, I. Person
Alhamd, L. Person
Alimah, D. Person
Alue Dohong Person
An appraisal of Indonesia's immense peat carbon stock using national peatland maps: uncertainties and potential losses from conversion Academic Article
An exploration of gender equity in household: A case from a peatland-based community in Riau, Indonesia Academic Article
An integrated landscape approach for socially inclusive peatland restoration Academic Article
Analisis mata pencaharian di lahan gambut: Kasus Kabupaten Tanjung Jabung Barat Academic Article
Analisis spasial tingkat kerusakan kawasan Suaka Margasatwa Padang Sugihan Sumatera Selatan Academic Article
Analysing and mapping of land fire vulnerability in Kumpeh, Muaro Jambi District, Jambi Province Academic Article
Analysis of challenges, costs, and governance alternative for peatland restoration in Central Kalimantan, Indonesia Academic Article
Andini, F.K. Person
Andini, S. Person
Andreas, H. Person
Andriyani, R. Person
Anggodo Person
Anggraini, M.F. Person
Anne M. LARSON Person
Anshari, G.Z. Person
Anwar, S. Person
Apakah gambut itu? Apa saja manfaatnya? Apakah hubungan antara gambut dengan kebakaran?
Apandi, I. Person
Aplikasi IPCC Guideline 2006 untuk perhitungan emisi Gas Rumah Kaca Kehutanan di Sumatera Selatan Academic Article
Applegate, G. Person
Application of SAR interferometry using ALOS-2 PALSAR-2 data as precise method to identify degraded peatland areas related to forest fire Academic Article
Approaches for peatland monitoring and assessment Presentation
Aprianis, Y. Person
Aquatic Communities in Peatland of Central Kalimantan Chapter
Arai, H. Person
Ardhana, A. Person
Ardianor, Higashi S. Person
Ariani, T. Person
Arianie, L. Person
Ariawan, K. Person
Arief Wijaya Person
Arief, C. Person
Arifin, H.S. Person
Arifin, Y.F. Person
Aripin Person
Armanto, M.E. Person
Arnold, S.R. Person
Arrangement and Structure of Weirs on the Kalampangan Canal Chapter
Artati, Y. Person
Asefi, S. Person
Asia Pulp and Paper Person
Asiandu, A.P. Person
Asmaliyah Person
Assessing livelihood development impact against community welfare of peat dependent community Presentation
Assessing the health impacts of peatland fires: a case study for Central Kalimantan, Indonesia Academic Article
Assessment of Suitability of Tree Species for Bioenergy Production on Burned and Degraded Peatlands in Central Kalimantan, Indonesia Academic Article
Astiani, D. Person
Asyhari, A. Person
Atikah, T.D. Person
Atmadja, S. Person
Atmoko, D. Person
Atmospheric CH4 and CO2 enhancements and biomass burning emission ratios derived from satellite observations of the 2015 Indonesian fire plumes Academic Article
Atwood, E.C. Person
Awaluddin, A. Person
Ayudya, D.R. Person
Aziz, A.A. Person
Azwar, F. Person
BP2LHK Banjarbaru Person
BPK Banjarbaru Person
Bachriadi, D. Person
Badan Litbang dan Inovasi Kementerian Lingkungan Hidup dan Kehutanan Person
Badan Penelitian dan Pengembangan Kehutanan Person
Badan Restorasi Gambut Person
Bahri, S. Person
Baird, A.J. Person
Bakce, D. Person
Bakri, B. Person
Balai Litbang LHK Banjarbaru Person
Balai Litbang Teknologi Pengelolaan DAS Badan Litbang dan Inovasi Kementerian Lingkungan Hidup dan Kehutanan Person
Balai Penelitian dan Pengembangan Teknologi Pengelolaan DAS Solo Person
Ball, A.S. Person
Ballhorn, U. Person
Baral, H. Person
Barchia, M.F. Person
Barnes, A. Person
Barrow, E.J. Person
Barry, A.J. Person
Bastoni Person
Basuki, I. Person
Batubara, S.F. Person
Baugh, K. Person
Baum, A. Person
Behling, H. Person
Bekantan: Kebakaran Hutan di Rawa Gambut, Bencana atau Bahaya Laten?
Bekantan: Restorasi Lahan Gambut
Belcher, C. Person
Benefits and costs of oil palm expansion in Central Kalimantan, Indonesia, under different policy scenarios Academic Article
Beni Okarda Person
Bennett, C. Person
Best Practice Peat Management (BPM) in existing plantation Presentation
Best Practices on Indonesia's Peatland Management: Lesson Learnt, Opportunities & Challenges Presentation
Best Practices on Indonesia’s Peatland Management: Lesson Learnt, Opportunities & Challenges - BRG Presentation
Beyond sustainability criteria and principles in palm oil production: addressing consumer concerns through insetting Academic Article
Bhomia, R.K. Person
Biagioni, S. Person
Biaya dan produktivitas penyaradan dan pembuatan/pemeliharaan kanal di HTI Rawa Gambut di Riau dan Jambi Academic Article
Biomasa hutan rawa gambut tropika pada berbagai kondisi penutupan lahan Academic Article
Biomass burning drives atmospheric nutrient redistribution within forested peatlands in Borneo Academic Article
Boesch, H. Person
Bong, L.-J. Person
Borchard, N. Person
Botanri, S. Person
Bourgeau-Chavez, L. Person
Brady, M.A. Person
Budi S, P. Person
Budiaman, A. Person
Budidaya Kelapa Hibrida di Lahan Gambut
Budidaya Shorea Balangeran di Lahan Gambut Book
Budidaya kopi Liberika di lahan gambut
Budiman, A. Person
Budiman, I. Person
Budiman,, I. Person
Budiningsih, K. Person
Budisusanti, S.P.M. Person
Buonocore, J.J. Person
Burhanuddin Person
Burhanuddin, B. Person
Burns, D. Person
C-band dual-polarization synthetic aperture radar application for peat depth classification: A case study in Siak Regency, Riau Province, Indonesia Academic Article
CIFOR Person
CO2 emissions from tropical drained peat in Sumatra Indonesia Academic Article
CO2 fluxes from drained tropical peatland used for oil palm plantation in relation to peat characteristics and crop age after planting Academic Article
CO2 Balance of Tropical Peat Ecosystems Chapter
Carbon Emissions from Drained and Degraded Peatland in Indonesia and Emission Factors for MRV of Peatland Greenhouse Gas Emissions Book
Carbon Stock Estimate Chapter
Carbon Stocks from Peat Swamp Forest and Oil Palm Plantation in Central Kalimantan, Indonesia Chapter
Carbon balance of tropical peat forests at different fire history and implications for carbon emissions Academic Article
Carbon dioxide emission and peat hydrophobicity in tidal peatlands Academic Article
Carbon emissions from oil palm development on deep peat soil in Central Kalimantan Indonesia Academic Article
Carbon leaching from tropical peat soils and consequences for carbon balances Academic Article
Carbon release from agricultural cultivated peats at Sungai Hitam Wetland, Bengkulu Province, Indonesia Academic Article
Carbon stocks and emissions from degradation and conversion of tropical peat swamp forests in West Kalimantan, Indonesia Conference Paper
Carlson, K.M. Person
Carmenta, R. Person
Case Study on Community-Based Water Management in Tropical Peatland Chapter
Catacutan, D. Person
Cattau, M.E. Person
Center for International Forestry Research (CIFOR) Person
Characterising policy responses to complex socio-ecological problems: 60 fire management interventions in Indonesian peatlands Academic Article
Characteristics of Tropical Drained Peatlands and CO2 Emission under Several Land Use Types Academic Article
Characteristics of Watershed in Central Kalimantan Chapter
Characterizing Forest Degradation and Carbon Biomass Assessment in Tropical Peatlands using Multi-Temporal and Multi-Polarizations SAR Data Presentation
Characterizing Spatial Distribution and Environments of Sumatran Peat Swamp Area Using 250 M Multi-temporal MODIS Data Academic Article
Charity, D. Person
Charman, D.J. Person
Chen, Y. Person
Cheyne, S.M. Person
Chimmer, R. Person
Christopher MARTIUS Person
Ciavatta, C. Person
Claustres, A. Person
Climate change mitigation through sustainable degraded peatlands management in central Kalimantan, Indonesia Academic Article
Clonal propagation of Belangeran (Shorea belangeran) and Ulin (Eusideroxylon zwageri) to support conservation and plantation peatlands Presentation
Cobb, A.R. Person
Cochrane, M.A. Person
Cole, L. Person
Comas, X. Person
Comeau, L.-P. Person
Community-based Fire Prevention and Peatland Restoration in Indonesia Presentation
Community-based peatland restoration in Gohong Village, Central Kalimantan Presentation
Compact Firefighting System for Villages and Water Resources for Firefighting in Peatland Area of Central Kalimantan Chapter
Constraining the emission of particulate matter from Indonesian peatland burning using continuous observation data Academic Article
Contrasting communications of sustainability science in the media coverage of palm oil agriculture on tropical peatlands in Indonesia, Malaysia and Singapore Academic Article
Contribution of Hyperspectral Applications to Tropical Peatland Ecosystem Monitoring Chapter
Contribution of ameliorant application on carbon balance in rice (Oryza Sativa L.) cropping in peatland Academic Article
Couwenberg, J. Person
Creating a lowland and peatland landscape digital terrain model (DTM) from interpolated partial coverage LiDAR data for Central Kalimantan and East Sumatra, Indonesia Academic Article
Crowson, M. Person
Curran, L.M. Person
Czimczik, C.I. Person
Dadap, N.C. Person
Daeli, W. Person
Daeng, Y. Person
Daisuka Naito Person
Dampak pengembangan sektor ekonomi terhadap potensi konflik di KPHP Delta Mahakam dan KPHL Sungai Beram Hitam Academic Article
Dampak penurunan daur tanaman HTI Acacia terhadap kelestarian produksi, ekologis dan sosial Academic Article
Daniel MURDIYARSO Person
Dapatkah kematangan gambut dijadikan proxy kandungan bahan organik dan bobot isi dalam penghitungan cadangan karbon gambut tropis secara cepat?
Dargusch, P. Person
Dariah, A. Person
Darmanti, R.B. Person
Darmawan, A. Person
Darusman, D. Person
Darusman, T. Person
Darusman, T., Lestari, D.P., Arriyadi, D. Person
Darwo, D. Person
Daryono, H. Person
David GAVEAU Person
DeFries, R. Person
DeFries, R.S. Person
Dede ROHADI Person
Defining ecological restoration of peatlands in Central Kalimantan, Indonesia Academic Article
Deforested and drained tropical peatland sites show poorer peat substrate quality and lower microbial biomass and activity than unmanaged swamp forest Academic Article
Denny, D. Person
Desai, A.R. Person
Desain Center of Excellent (CoE): Pengelolaan gambut tropis Presentation
Deshmukh, C.S. Person
Designing the special pilot economic zone on peatlands Academic Article
Detection and Prediction Systems of Peat-Forest Fires in Central Kalimantan Chapter
Detection and characterization of low temperature peat fires during the 2015 fire catastrophe in Indonesia using a new high-sensitivity fire monitoring satellite sensor (FireBird) Academic Article
Developing value chains of agriculture products around peatland restoration area Presentation
Development Paludiculture on Tropical Peatland for Productive and Sustainable Ecosystem in Riau Academic Article
Development of commercial products based on wetland crops to improve community welfare Presentation
Development of control drainage operation model and utilization planning of post-fire peatlands Academic Article
Dewar, N. Person
Dewi, S. Person
Dharmawan, I.W.S. Person
Diba, F. Person
Didie Person
Dinamika pengelolaan mangrove di daerah: kondisi, tantangan dan peluang Presentation
Discharged Sulfuric Acid from Peatland to River System Chapter
Distance to forest, mammal and bird dispersal drive natural regeneration on degraded tropical peatland Academic Article
Dobie, P. Person
Dohong, A., Tanika, L. Person
Domestication of Dyera polyphylla (Miq.) Steenis in peatland agroforestry systems in Jambi, Indonesia Academic Article
Dommain, R. Person
Drainage and land use impacts on changes in selected peat properties and peat degradation in West Kalimantan Province, Indonesia Academic Article
Drainage increases CO2 and N2O emissions from tropical peat soils Academic Article
Dulsalam, D. Person
Durahim, D. Person
Dwiputra, A. Person
Dwisatrio, B. Person
Dyah Puspitaloka Person
D’Arcy, L.J. Person
EIA and Environmental Permit: Tools for Sustainable Tropical Peatland Management Presentation
Economics of Peatlands Restoration in Central Kalimantan, Indonesia Presentation
Ecosystem restoration study & assistance: P3SEKPI and APP contribution for climate action Presentation
Edge effects on biomass, growth, and tree diversity of a degraded peatland in west kalimantan, indonesia Academic Article
Edison, M.N.F.E. Person
Efektivitas penggunaan media tanam dan pupuk terhadap kemampuan bertunas tanaman pangkas KESS (Lophostemon suaveolens (Sol.ex Gaertn.)Peter G.Wilson& J.T. Waterh) Academic Article
Effectiveness of Roundtable on Sustainable Palm Oil (RSPO) for reducing fires on oil palm concessions in Indonesia from 2012 to 2015 Academic Article
Effects of distance from canal and degradation history on peat bulk density in a degraded tropical peatland Academic Article
Effects of drainage ditches on water table level, soil conditions and tree growth of degraded peatland forests in West Kalimantan Academic Article
Eilander, D. Person
Ekadinata, A. Person
Ekawati, S. Person
Ekosistem Gambut Lestari UntukSumatera Selatan Sejahtera: Ringkasan informasi, data dan analisa sementara terhadap ekosistem gambut di Provinsi Sumatera Selatan
Eksplorasi Ulin di Kalimantan untuk Konservasi Ex-situ Academic Article
Elfiati, D. Person
Elias, E. Person
Eltofani, A.L. Person
Elvidge, C.D. Person
Englhart, S. Person
Enhancing water levels of degraded, bare, tropical peatland in West Kalimantan, Indonesia: Impacts on CO2 emission from soil respiration Academic Article
Environmental change and peatland forest dynamics in the Lake Sentarum area, West Kalimantan, Indonesia Academic Article
Environmental dynamics and carbon accumulation rate of a tropical peatland in Central Sumatra, Indonesia Academic Article
Environmentally friendly and economically sustainable local peatland cultivation strategies Academic Article
Enzyme Activities in Relation to Total K, Ca, Mg, Fe, Cu, and Zn in Oil Palm Rhizosphere of Riau's Peatlands, Indonesia Academic Article
Erb, W.M. Person
Erianto Person
Ermiasi, Y. Person
Esaulov, A.S. Person
Eser, E. Person
Estimasi harga konservasi karbon pada kegiatan A/R CDM di Hutan Lindung Sekaroh, Lombok Timur Academic Article
Estimasi potensi biomassa dan massa karbon hutan tanaman Acacia crassicarpa di lahan gambut (Studi kasus di areal HTI kayu serat di Pelalawan, Propinsi Riau) Academic Article
Estimating Distribution of Carbon Stock in Tropical Peatland Using a Combination of an Empirical Peat Depth Model and GIS Academic Article
Estimating the Relative Contributions of Root Respiration and Peat Decomposition to the Total CO2 Flux from Peat Soil at an Oil Palm Plantation in Sumatra, Indonesia Academic Article
Estimation Model of Ground Water Table at Peatland in Central Kalimantan, Indonesia Chapter
Estimation of Annual Greenhouse Gas Emissions from Forest and Peat Lands in Central Kalimantan Book
Ethnic Plant Resources in Central Kalimantan Chapter
Evaluasi Sistem Silvikultur Hutan Rawa Gambut di Indonesia Book
Evaluating the social and environmental factors behind the 2015 extreme fire event in Sumatra, Indonesia Academic Article
Evaluation of Disturbed Peatland/Forest CO2 Emissions by Atmospheric Concentration Measurements Chapter
Evaluation of in vitro antagonistic activity of fungi from peatlands against ganoderma species under acidic condition Academic Article
Evans, C.D. Person
Evans, T.A. Person
Evers, S. Person
Evri, M. Person
Experiences and lessons learned on peatlands Presentation
Experts and resource users split over solutions to peatland fires Academic Article
Exploration of the importance of physical properties of Indonesian peatlands to assess critical groundwater table depths, associated drought and fire hazard Academic Article
Faaij, A.P.C. Person
Facing the peat CO2 threat: digital mapping of Indonesian peatlands - a proposed methodology and its application Academic Article
Fakultas Ekonomi dan Manajemen IPB Person
Fakultas Kehutanan Universitas Gadjah Mada Person
Fanin, T. Person
Fatimah, Y.A. Person
Fatkhurohman Person
Faulina, S.A. Person
Faust, H. Person
Fauzi, M.A. Person
Fauzi, R. Person
Febrasius Person
Febrian, A.F. Person
Feldpausch, T. Person
Field Data Transmission System by Universal Mobile Telecommunication Network Chapter
Fire emissions and regional air quality impacts from fires in oil palm, timber, and logging concessions in Indonesia Academic Article
Fire frequency and related land-use and land-cover changes in Indonesia's Peatlands Academic Article
Fire spot identification based on hotspot sequential pattern and burned area classification Academic Article
Fire-driven biomass and peat carbon losses and post-fire soil CO2 emission in a West Kalimantan peatland forest Academic Article
Fires, Smoke Exposure, and Public Health: An Integrative Framework to Maximize Health Benefits From Peatland Restoration Academic Article
Fish for Food Security in Tropical Peatland Areas: The Case of Riau Province, Indonesia Presentation
Fitranatanegara, N. Person
Fitriani, N. Person
Flanagan, N. Person
Floristic Diversity in the Peatland Ecosystems of Central Kalimantan Chapter
Ford, R.M. Person
Forest Farmer Group of Dompas Ghedang Cemerlang Person
Forest Structure and Productivity of Tropical Heath and Peatland Forests Chapter
Forest and Land Fires Are Mainly Associated with Deforestation in Riau Province, Indonesia Academic Article
Forest and land fires in Pelalawan district, Riau, Indonesia: Drivers, pressures, impacts and responses Academic Article
Frolking, S. Person
From canals to the coast: Dissolved organic matter and trace metal composition in rivers draining degraded tropical peatlands in Indonesia Academic Article
Fujimoto, K. Person
Fukami, H. Person
Fulé, P.Z. Person
Funakawa, S. Person
Fungi and macrofauna community in post-fire peatland in Central Kalimantan Academic Article
Gallego-Sala, A. Person
Gallego-Sala, A.V. Person
Galudra, G. Person
Gaman, S. Person
Gambut Lestari: Awareness solutions for the crisis of peatland Academic Article
Gandois, L. Person
Ganesan, V. Person
Gao, Y. Person
Gassner, A. Person
Gauci, V. Person
Gavin, D.G. Person
Gemor (Notaphoebe coriacea), Hasil Hutan Bukan Kayu (HHBK) Potensial di Hutan Rawa Gambut Book
Genetic diversity of Dyera polyphylla (Miq.) Steenis populations used in tropical peatland restoration in Indonesia Academic Article
Geronggang (Cratoxylum arborescens): Jenis Prospektif untuk dibudidayakan di Lahan Gambut Terdegradasi Presentation
Gerrand, A. Person
Getah jelutung sebagai hasil hutan bukan kayu unggulan di lahan gambut Academic Article
Geyasra, S.R. Person
Gibbs, H.K. Person
Giesen, W. Person
Gill, P.J. Person
Giner, N.M. Person
Glaser, P.H. Person
Global Comparative Study on REDD+ story of change: CIFOR’s science on wetlands for Indonesian measurement, reporting and verification and forest reference emission level development
Goib, B.K. Person
Goodman, L.K. Person
Grace, P. Person
Graf, H.F. Person
Graham, L.L. Person
Graham, L.L.B. Person
Green, D.C. Person
Greenhill, M. Person
Ground surface microtopography and vegetation patterns in a tropical peat swamp forest Academic Article
Ground water table under different land uses Academic Article
Ground-based measurements of column-averaged carbon dioxide molar mixing ratios in a peatland fire-prone area of Central Kalimantan, Indonesia Academic Article
Groundwater in Peatland Chapter
Grover, S.P. Person
Growth performance of three native tree species for pulpwood plantation in drained peatland of Pelalawan district, Riau Academic Article
Guhardja, E. Person
Gumiri, S. Person
Gunawan, A. Person
Gunawan, D. Person
Gunawan, H. Person
Gunawan, H., Afriyanti, D., Dewanto, H.A. Person
Gunawan, J. Person
Gusmayanti, E. Person
Gutierrez-Velez, V.H. Person
Hadi, A. Person
Hadi, D.W. Person
Hadi, R. Person
Hadi, S. Person
Hadi, S.T. Person
Hadi,, E.E. Person
Hadley, W. Person
Haerudin, H. Person
Hairani, A. Person
Hairiah, K. Person
Hakim, L., Prastyono, P. and Syakur, A. Person
Hakim, S.S. Person
Halle, W. Person
Halwany, W. Person
Hamada, Y. Person
Hamer, K. Person
Hamer, K.C. Person
Hamidah, S. Person
Handayani, W. Person
Handoko, T. Person
Handoyo Person
Handoyo, H. Person
Hanif, M. Person
Hapsari, K.A. Person
Hapsari, R.D. Person
Hapsari,, R.D. Person
Haraguchi, A. Person
Hardarani, N. Person
Hardiansyah, G. Person
Hardiwinoto, S. Person
Hardiyanto, E. Person
Harianti, M. Person
Haris, M. Person
Hariyadi, B. Person
Harrison, M.E. Person
Hartono, D. Person
Harun, M. Person
Harun, M.K. Person
Haruni Krisnawati Person
Harvey, C.F. Person
Hasanah, A. Person
Hashiguchi, H. Person
Hatano, R. Person
Hatta, M. Person
Hayasaka, H. Person
Hayashi, H. Person
Hein, J. Person
Hein, L. Person
Heinonsalo, J. Person
Helmy, F. Person
Hendarto Person
Hendratmo Person
Hendromono, H. Person
Hendry, D.T. Person
Herawan, T. Person
Herawati, H. Person
Herawati, T. Person
Herdyantara, B. Person
Hergoualc`h, K. Person
Heriyanto, N.M. Person
Herlinda, S. Person
Herry PURNOMO Person
Hertanti, D. Person
Heru Komarudin Person
Hesti Lestari Tata Person
Hesti, H.L. Person
Hidayat, A. Person
Hidayat, D.C. Person
Hidayat, M.F. Person
Hidayat, R. Person
Hidayat, R.A. Person
Hill, J.K. Person
Hilman, D. Person
Hirano, T. Person
Hirata, R. Person
Hirose, K. Person
Hodgson, J. Person
Hodgson, J.A. Person
Hofner, A.N. Person
Holden, S.R. Person
Honma, T. Person
Hooijer, A. Person
Hosokawa, T. Person
Hot spots of confusion: contested policies and competing carbon claims in the peatlands of Central Kalimantan, Indonesia Academic Article
Hoyt, A.M. Person
Hribljan, J. Person
Hsu, F.-C. Person
Huang, C. Person
Hughes, P.D.M. Person
Huijnen, V. Person
Human-induced changes in Indonesian peatlands increase drought severity Academic Article
Husen, E. Person
Husnain, H. Person
Husson, S.J. Person
Hutabarat, J. Person
Hutabarat, S. Person
Hutan Rawa Gambut dan HTI Pulp dalam Bingkai REDD+ Book
Hydrological Management Practices Chapter
Hydrological and economic effects of oil palm cultivation in Indonesian peatlands Academic Article
Hydrophysical properties of ombrotrophic peat under drained peatlands Academic Article
Höing, A. Person
Ichsan, N. Person
Identification and Seasonal Analysis of Degraded Tropical Peatland by Using ALOS AVNIR-2 Data Academic Article
Ifansyah, N. Person
Iizuka, K. Person
Ilham, Q.P. Person
Illés, G. Person
Imaging tropical peatland and aquifer potential in South Sumatra using electrical resistivity tomography Academic Article
Imaging tropical peatlands in Indonesia using ground penetrating radar (GPR) and electrical resistivity imaging (ERI): implications for carbon stock estimates and peat soil characterization Academic Article
Imanuddin, R. Person
Imanudin, M.S. Person
Imasu, R. Person
Impact of forest plantation on methane emissions from tropical peatland Academic Article
Impact of soil collar insertion depth on microbial respiration measurements from tropical peat under an oil palm plantation Academic Article
Impact of trainings on knowledge, skill, behaviour and income of farmers living around peatlands: case study in Riau Province Academic Article
Implementasi Iptek arang terpadu dalam pengembangan sistem budi daya gambut Presentation
Implementasi kebijakan pengendalian kebakaran hutan dan lahan di Provinsi Sumatera Selatan Academic Article
Importance of CO2 production in subsoil layers of drained tropical peatland under mature oil palm plantation Academic Article
Improved Peatlands Potential for Agricultural Purposes to Support Sustainable Development in Bengkalis District, Riau Province, Indonesia Academic Article
InSAR time series analysis of L-band data for understanding tropical peatland degradation and restoration Academic Article
Incentives for collective action in Indonesia's peatlands Presentation
Indeks Kualitas Tempat Tumbuh dan Pertumbuhan Tegakan Gelam (Melaleuca Leucadendron L.) pada Lahan Rawa di Sumatera Selatan Academic Article
Indonesia achievement on conservation and sustainable peatland management Presentation
Indonesia policy on peatland protection and management Presentation
Indonesia's Peatland Fires and Toxic Haze: media discourses across scales of governance Conference Poster
Indonesian national carbon accounting system Presentation
Indonesian peatland restoration: Economic indicators Presentation
Indonesian smoke aerosols from peat fires and the contribution from volcanic sulfur emissions Academic Article
Indonesia’s Efforts in battling the Climate Change Presentation
Indrayadi, H. Person
Indriatmoko, Y. Person
Indriyanto, H. Person
Innovative Financing for Peatland Restoration in Indonesia Chapter
Inoue, G. Person
Insecticidal activity of culture filtrates from liquid medium of Beauveria bassiana isolates from South Sumatra (Indonesia) wetland soil against larvae of Spodoptera litura Academic Article
Insiana, A. Person
Inubushi, K. Person
Irawan, D. Person
Irawanti, S. Person
Iriana, W. Person
Irianti, M. Person
Irianto, R.S.B. Person
Is CO2 flux from oil palm plantations on peatland controlled by soil moisture and/or soil and air temperatures? Academic Article
Is Indonesian peatland loss a cautionary tale for Peru? A two-country comparison of the magnitude and causes of tropical peatland degradation Academic Article
Ishaq, F. Person
Ishii, Y. Person
Ismail, I. Person
Isnaini, Z.L. Person
Isnan, W. Person
Isolation of peat swamp forest foliar endophyte fungi as biofertilizer Academic Article
Issuance of green bond for sustainable development of peatlands Academic Article
Istiqomah, N. Person
Istomo Person
Itakura, T. Person
Ito, A. Person
Itoh, M. Person
Iwakuma, T. Person
J Boone KAUFFMAN Person
Jacob Phelps Person
Jacob, D.J. Person
Jacobsen, G. Person
Jagau, Y. Person
Jalil, A. Person
Januar, R. Person
Januar,, R. Person
Jasnari Person
Jauhiainen, J. Person
Jaya, A. Person
Jaya, I.N.S. Person
Jaye, D. Person
Jefferson Person
Jefferson, U. Person
Jeltsch‐Thömmes, A. Person
Jelutung (Dyera polyphylla) agroforestry on drained peatlands
Jennerjahn, T.C. Person
Jensen, R.M. Person
Jessup, T. Person
Jones,, P.D. Person
Joni, A. Person
Joos, F. Person
Julius, D. Person
Junaedi, A. Person
Junaidah, J. Person
Junaidi, E. Person
Juni, E.T. Person
Juniadi Person
Jupesta, J. Person
Kabirun, S. Person
Kacaribu, F. Person
Kadir, A. Person
Kai, F.M. Person
Kajian Water Table Pada Semai Perepat (combretocarpus Rotundatus Miq Dan Jelutung (Dyera Lowii Hook) Diinokulasi Glomus SP 3 Di Tanah Gambut Academic Article
Kajian aspek lingkungan restorasi dan rehabilitasi kubah gambut Presentation
Kajian dampak penurunan daur tanaman Acacia crassicarpa A. Cunn terhadap nilai produksi dan sosial Academic Article
Kajian implementasi model restorasi ekosistem gambut berbasis masyarakat Presentation
Kajian implementasi multisistem silvikultur menuju ekosistem gambut berkelanjutan Presentation
Kajian konektivitas sistem lindung dan budidaya gambut dalam rangka pengelolaan yang berkelanjutan Presentation
Kajian luas petak tebang optimal di hutan tanaman rawa gambut: Kasus di satu perusahaan hutan di Riau Academic Article
Kajian model bisnis ketahanan pangan dalam mendukung pengelolaan ekosistem gambut berkelanjutan di provinsi Kalimantan Tengah Presentation
Kajian pembangunan wisata alam pada ekosistem gambut Presentation
Kajian strategi konservasi biodiversitas ekosistem gambut Presentation
Kajian strategi penerapan teknik budidaya gambut berkelanjutan oleh masyarakat Presentation
Kaku, K. Person
Kalima, T. Person
Kameoka, T. Person
Kamiya, M. Person
Kandungan biomassa atas permukaan pada hutan rawa gambut di Kabupaten Rokan Hilir, Provinsi Riau Academic Article
Karakter madu lebah hutan (Apis dorsata Fabr.) dari berbagai bioregion di Riau Academic Article
Karakteristasi Bakteri Asal Lahan Gambut Jambi dan Potensinya Sebagai Pupuk Hayati Academic Article
Karakteristik benih Gelam (Meulaleca leucadendra): Tingkat kemasakan, morfologi, perkecambahan dan daya simpan benih Academic Article
Karakteristik hutan rawa gambut di Tuanan dan Katunjung, Kalimantan Tengah Academic Article
Kariba, R. Person
Karim, A. Person
Karliansyah Person
Kartika, W.D. Person
Kartikaningtyas, D. Person
Karyanto, O. Person
Kashimura, O. Person
Katingan Peatland Restoration and Conservation Project Presentation
Kato, T. Person
Kawasaki, M. Person
Keanekaragaman hayati dan rosot karbon pada rawa-gambut di Bukit Batu, Kabupaten Bengkalis, Provinsi Riau Academic Article
Keanekaragaman makrofauna tanah pada beberapa penggunaan lahan gambut Academic Article
Kebijakan Pengurangan Emisi Gas Rumah Kaca dari Sektor Penggunaan Lahan dan Perubahan Tata Guna Lahan Kehutanan (LULUCF) Academic Article
Kebijakan dan Manajemen Strategi Rehabilitasi Hutan Rawa Gambut Terdegradasi Academic Article
Kebijakan moratorium pemanfaatan gambut: Potensi manfaat ekonomi dan lingkungan untuk hutan tanaman industri Academic Article
Kebijakan penguatan konservasi dan percepatan restorasi ekosistem gambut dan mangrove Presentation
Keenan, R.J. Person
Keep wetlands wet: the myth of sustainable development of tropical peatlands – implications for policies and management Academic Article
Keeping track of forests: systems for measurement, reporting and verification (MRV) - Experience from the Indonesian National Carbon Accounting System Presentation
Kelayakan ekonomi kegiatan pemulihan fungsi ekosistem hutan lindung gambut Sungai Bram Itam di Kabupaten Tanjung Jabung Barat, Provinsi Jambi Academic Article
Kementerian Lingkungan Hidup dan Kehutanan Indonesia Person
Kencana, W. Person
Khan, M.F. Person
Kharis, T. Person
Khasanah, N. Person
Khomarudin, M.R. Person
Kim, P.S. Person
Kim, Y-S. Person
Kim, Y.-S. Person
Kissinger, K. Person
Knight, R. Person
Knowledge exchange and stakeholder empowerment for peatland management in Indonesia Presentation
Kobayashi, S. Person
Kohyama, T.S. Person
Koizumi, A. Person
Koizumi, K. Person
Kolka, R. Person
Komar, T.E. Person
Komposisi Jenis Dan Struktur Hutan Rawa Gambut Taman Nasional Sebangau, Kalimantan Tengah Academic Article
Konecny, K. Person
Konings, A.G. Person
Kono, Y. Person
Konversi hutan menjadi tanaman kelapa sawit pada lahan gambut: Implikasi perubahan iklim dan kebijakan Academic Article
Koplitz, S.N. Person
Koskinen, M. Person
Kozan, O Person
Kozan, O. Person
Kozan, O., Hosobuchi, M., Kameoka, T. Person
Krashevska, V. Person
Kristijono, A. Person
Kroeze, C. Person
Kulu, I.P. Person
Kunarso, A. Person
Kunz, Y. Person
Kuramitz, H. Person
Kurasaki, M. Person
Kurnain, A. Person
Kurnianto, S. Person
Kurniawan, A.S. Person
Kurniawan, F. Person
Kusin, K. Person
Kusrini, N. Person
Kustiyo Person
Kuwata, M. Person
Kämäri, I. Person
Könönen, M. Person
Laiho, R. Person
Lampela, M. Person
Land Change Analysis from 2000 to 2004 in Peatland of Central Kalimantan, Indonesia Using GIS and an Extended Transition Matrix Chapter
Land Tenure on Peatland: A Source of Insecurity and Degradation in Riau, Sumatra Chapter
Land cover changes reduce net primary production in tropical coastal peatlands of West Kalimantan, Indonesia Academic Article
Land suitability of agricultural crops for supporting peat restoration in South Kalimantan, Indonesia Academic Article
Land-use trade-offs in the Kapuas peat forest, Central Kalimantan, Indonesia Academic Article
Langmann, B. Person
Latif, M.T. Person
Laurén, A. Person
Lawrence, D. Person
Leasehold of Forest Area License (IPPKH) Presentation
Lee, J.S.H. Person
Lee, S.M. Person
Lessons learned and commitment of forest and land fire on peatland fire management in Indonesia Presentation
Li, Z. Person
Liesenberg, V. Person
Lilik, H. Person
Lilleskov, E.A. Person
Limin, S. Person
Limin, S.H. Person
Linking soil respiration and water table depth in tropical peatlands with remotely sensed changes in water storage from the gravity recovery and climate experiment Academic Article
Lisnawaty, N. Person
Liu, F.H. Person
Liu, T. Person
Livelihood Strategies of Transmigrant Farmers in Peatland of Central Kalimantan Chapter
Local knowledge on landscape sustainable-hydrological management reduces soil co2 emission, fire risk and biomass loss in west Kalimantan Peatland, Indonesia Academic Article
Long-wave infrared identification of smoldering peat fires in Indonesia with nighttime Landsat data Academic Article
Lorenz, E. Person
Louis V. Verchot Person
Lounela, A.K. Person
Luas petak tebang optimal pemanenan kayu di areal hutan tanaman rawa gambut Academic Article
Lubis, M.I. Person
Lubis, Z.B. Person
Lucey, J. Person
Lugina, M. Person
M. Agus Salim Person
Maftu’ah, E. Person
Mahyudi, A. Person
Maimunah, S. Person
Main, B. Person
Mamat, H.S. Person
Management Practice and Restoration of the Peat Swamp Forest in Katingan-Mentaya, Indonesia Chapter
Managing Peatlands to Cope with Climate Change: Indonesia’s Experience Book
Managing fire risk during drought: The influence of certification and El Ninõ on fire-driven forest conversion for oil palm in Southeast Asia Academic Article
Managing peatlands in Indonesia: Challenges and opportunities for local and global communities
Mang, S. Person
Manjin, S. Person
Manuri, S. Person
Mapping deep peat carbon stock from a LiDAR based DTM and field measurements, with application to eastern Sumatra Academic Article
Mardhiansyah, M. Person
Mardiana, R. Person
Mareti, S. Person
Margono, B.A. Person
Mariani, Y. Person
Marlier, M.E. Person
Martin, E. Person
Martin, G. Person
Martono, B. Person
Marwanto, S. Person
Mary MENTON Person
Maryudi, A. Person
Masal, F. Person
Maswar, M. Person
Mawazin Person
Mawazin, M. Person
Mawdsley, N. Person
May-Tobin, C.C. Person
Mazei, Y.A. Person
McBratney, A.B. Person
McBratney,, A.B. Person
McClean, C. Person
McCullough, K. Person
McRoberts, R.E. Person
Measurement of carbon dioxide flux from tropical peatland in Indonesia using the nocturnal temperature-inversion trap method Academic Article
Mendham, D. Person
Mengapa lahan gambut penting
Mercado, L. Person
Methane and Nitrous Oxide Emissions from Tropical Peat Soil Chapter
Metode Standar untuk Pendugaan Emisi Gas Rumah Kaca dari Sektor Kehutanan di Indonesia (Versi 1) Book
Miano, T.M. Person
Miartadria, H. Person
Mickley, L.J. Person
Minasny, B. Person
Minasny,, B. Person
Ministry of Environment and Forestry Indonesia Person
Ministry of Environment and Forestry Republic of Indonesia Person
Mirmanto, E. Person
Misinterpreting carbon accumulation rates in records from near-surface peat Academic Article
Mitigation of unwanted direct and indirect land-use change – an integrated approach illustrated for palm oil, pulpwood, rubber and rice production in North and East Kalimantan, Indonesia Academic Article
Miyakawa, T. Person
Miyamoto, K. Person
Mizuno, K. Person
Mizuno, K., Hosobuchi, M., Ratri, D.A.R. Person
Model penduga massa karbon hutan rawa gambut menggunakan citra ALOS PALSAR Academic Article
Model volume kelompok jenis pohon pada hutan rawa gambut di HUPHHK PT. Tingang Karya Mandiri, Kalimantan Tengah Academic Article
Modeling of Carbon and GHG Budgets in Tropical Peatland Chapter
Modeling relationships between water table depth and peat soil carbon loss in Southeast Asian plantations Academic Article
Molnár, G. Person
Monitoring Vegetasi di Wilayah Kerja KFCP: Tinjauan Karakteristik Hutan Rawa Gambut Book
Monitoring peatland restoration in Indonesia Presentation
Moore, D.P. Person
Mori, S. Person
Morino, I. Person
Morris, P.J. Person
Morrogh-Bernard, H.C. Person
Morton, D.C. Person
Mounier, S. Person
Muchlish, U. Person
Muchugi, A. Person
Mufida, A. Person
Muhammad, A. Person
Mujiman Person
Mujiman, M. Person
Mulyadi, D. Person
Mulyadin, R.M Person
Mulyani, L. Person
Musyafa Person
Mycorrhizal Fungi in Peatland Chapter
Mycorrhizal colonization of indigenous tropical tree species grown in peat swamp forests of Sumatera, Indonesia Academic Article
Mycorrhizal research of local tree species for restoration activity in tropical peat swamp forests of Sumatra Presentation
Myers, S.S. Person
Nagasawa, R. Person
Nainggolan, H.A. Person
Nakatsugawa, M. Person
Nardi Person
Narendra, B.H. Person
Nasucha, M. Person
National plans and lessons learnt on restoring peatland in Indonesia: Peatland Restoration Agency’s initiatives on peatland restoration Presentation
Navratil, P. Person
Neelam‐Naganathan, G.G. Person
Neoh, K.-B. Person
New Approach Evaluating Peatland Fires in Indonesian Factors Academic Article
New Tropical Peatland Gas and Particulate Emissions Factors Indicate 2015 Indonesian Fires Released Far More Particulate Matter (but Less Methane) than Current Inventories Imply Academic Article
Nikijuluw, V. Person
Nisa, C. Person
Nofyanza, S. Person
Noojipady, P. Person
Noor, F.M.M. Person
Noor, M. Person
Novi Sari Wahyuni Person
Noviany, S. Person
Novita, N Person
Novita, N. Person
Novresiandi, D.A. Person
Nugraha, M. Person
Nugroho, B. Person
Nugroho, D.S. Person
Nugroho, N.P. Person
Nuralamin, N. Person
Nurdiana, A. Person
Nurdwiansyah, D. Person
Nurhayati, L. Person
Nurida, N.L. Person
Nuriman, M. Person
Nurjaman, D. Person
Nurrochmat, D.R. Person
Nursyams,i D. Person
Nursyamsi, D. Person
Nurulita, S. Person
Nurulita, Y. Person
Nurzakiah, S. Person
Nusantara, R.W. Person
Nyoto Person
O'Reilly, P. Person
Ochi, N. Person
Ohashi, M. Person
Ohki, T. Person
Okada, M. Person
Okimoto, Y. Person
Oktoria, S. Person
Open digital mapping as a cost-effective method for mapping peat thickness and assessing the carbon stock of tropical peatlands Academic Article
Optimasi luasan petak tebang di hutan tanaman rawa gambut berdasarkan produktivitas dan biaya Academic Article
Option for land and water management to prevent fire in peat land areas of Sumatera, Indonesia Academic Article
Organic matter dynamics of coastal peat deposits in Sumatra, Indonesia Thesis
Osaki, M. Person
Ottay, J.B. Person
Ouellette, J. Person
Out of fire disaster: dynamics of livelihood strategies of rural community on peatland use and management Academic Article
O’Connell, E. Person
Padfield, R. Person
Page, S. Person
Page, S.E. Person
Palm oil expansion in tropical peatland: Distrust between advocacy and service environmental NGOs Academic Article
Paludiculture to support peatland restoration in Indonesia Presentation
Paludiculture: can it be a trade-off between ecology and economic benefit on peatland restoration? Academic Article
Pambudi, S. Person
Pamungkas, W. Person
Pandiwijaya, A. Person
Panduan budidaya nenas di lahan gambut
Panjaitan, M.S.L. Person
Panjaitan, R.B. Person
Panjaitan, S. Person
Pardhan, U. Person
Parker, R.J. Person
Parlindungan, M. Person
Participatory Action Research to Community-Based Fire Prevention and Peatland Restoration
Paryanto, J. Person
Pawitan, H. Person
Peat Fire Impact on Water Quality and Organic Matter in Peat Soil Chapter
Peat Fire Occurrence Chapter
Peat Mapping Chapter
Peat emission control by groundwater management and soil amendments: evidence from laboratory experiments Academic Article
Peat forest health analysis on LANDSAT 8 OLI / TIRS imagery using NDVI method in Kotawaringin Timur Regency Academic Article
Peat lost by fire in Kalampangan area, Central Kalimantan, Indonesia Academic Article
Peat swamp forest degradation: A comparison between Indonesia and Peru Presentation
Peat-Fire Impact on Forest Structure in Peatland of Central Kalimantan Chapter
Peatland Management for Sustainable Agriculture Chapter
Peatland Restoration in Central Kalimantan by Rewetting and Rehabilitation with Shorea balangeran Chapter
Peatland fire danger rating according to weeds characteristic under Jelutung (Dyera Polyphylla) plantation Academic Article
Peatland in Indonesia Chapter
Peatland in Kalimantan Chapter
Peatlands Restoration As A Potential Solution To Resolve Peatlands Damage Based On Sustainable Development Goals (SDGS) In Sungai Tohor, Indonesia Academic Article
Pemanfaatan beberapa bioaktivator terhadap peningkatan laju dekomposisi tanah gambut dan pertumbuhan Gmelina arborea Roxb Academic Article
Pemanfaatan gulma lahan gambut sebagai bahan baku bio-briket Academic Article
Pemanfaatan jenis vegetasi hutan gambut untuk revegetasi pasca tambang batubara Academic Article
Pembelajaran Praktis: Pemantauan Terhadap Vegetasi, Pengelolaan Kebakaran, Gambut dan Hidrologi Book
Pembelajaran Praktis: Reforestasi Berbasis Masyarakat di Hutan Rawa Gambut Book
Pembelajaran dari Pencegahan Kebakaran dan Restorasi Gambut Berbasis Masyarakat Book
Pembelajaran dari pencegahan kebakaran dan restorasi gambut berbasis masyarakat Presentation
Pemberian Amelioran pupuk kandang ayam pada penggunaan lahan gambut yang berbeda terhadap emisi CO2 Academic Article
Pemulihan Ekosistem Gambut untuk Provinsi Sumatera Selatan yang Sejahtera - Rencana Restorasi Ekosistem Gambut Sumatera Selatan Book
Pemulihan Ekosistem Gambut untuk Provinsi Sumatera Selatan yang Sejahtera: Rencana Restorasi Ekosistem Gambut Sumatera Selatan 2017-2020
Pendekatan dalam Penentuan Hutan Desa Buntoi, Kabupaten Pulang Pisau, Kalimantan Tengah Academic Article
Pendugaan Emisi Gas Rumah Kaca Tahunan dari Hutan dan Lahan Gambut di Kalimantan Tengah Book
Penerapan Ril guna meningkatkan produktivitas dan meminimalkan biaya penyaradan di hutan tanaman rawa gambut Academic Article
Penetapan pola rehabilitasi pemulihan fungsi ekosistem hutan lindung gambut Sungai Bram Itam di Babupaten Tanjung Jabung Barat, Provinsi Jambi Academic Article
Pengelolaan Lahan Gambut Tanpa Bakar Presentation
Pengelolaan Lapangan Zamrud di Riau Presentation
Pengelolaan lahan basah (mangrove dan gambut) Presentation
Pengelolaan lahan gambut di kawasan hutan lindung Liang Anggang oleh Masyarakat Peduli Gambut (MPG) Sukamaju, Kalimantan Selatan Academic Article
Peningkatan produktivitas pemanenan kayu melalui teknik pemanenan kayu ramah lingkungan: Kasus di satu perusahaan hutan rawa gambut di Kalimantan Barat Academic Article
Penyang, S.M. Person
Penyederhanaan sistem silvikultur TPTI di Hutan Alam Rawa Gambut Labuan Tangga, Kabupaten Rokan Hilir, Riau Academic Article
Penyiapan lahan tanpa bakar untuk pencegahan kebakaran lahan dan hutan Presentation
Penyusunan Dokumen Rencana Kerja Pelaksanaan Kegiatan Restorasi dan Rehabilitasi Hutan Gambut Presentation
Peran parapihak dalam pemanfaatan lahan gambut; studi kasus di Kabupaten Ogan Komering Ilir, Sumatera Selatan Academic Article
Perbandingan karakteristik bahan baku dan pulp Krasikarpa (Acacia crassicarpa A. Cunn) umur 1 sampai 4 tahun Academic Article
Perceptions across scales of governance and the Indonesian peatland fires Academic Article
Perdana, A. Person
Performance of the selected main tree of liberoid coffe in the peatland of Meranti Island, Riau Academic Article
Perissin, D. Person
Persamaan Allometrik Untuk Menduga Kandungan Karbon Jenis Meranti (Shorea Teysmaniana) Di Hutan Alam Rawa Gambut Kalimantan Tengah Academic Article
Persamaan alometrik dan cadangan karbon vegetasi pada hutan gambut primer dan bekas terbakar Academic Article
Perubahan kandungan karbon dan nilai ekonominya pada konversi hutan rawa gambut menjadi hutan tanaman industri pulp Academic Article
Peter Kershaw, A. Person
Peterson, J. Person
Petorelli, N. Person
Pettorelli, N. Person
Pittman, A.M. Person
Plaza, C. Person
Polarimetric synthetic aperture radar application for tropical peatlands classification: A case study in Siak River Transect, Riau Province, Indonesia Academic Article
Political economy and community characteristics for fire prevention and peatland restoration Presentation
Ponette-González, A.G. Person
Pontius, R.G. Person
Poromarto, S.H. Person
Porter-Jacobs, L. Person
Potensi daya tarik ekowisata Suaka Margasatwa Bukit Batu Kabupaten Bengkalis Provinsi Riau Academic Article
Potensi tunggak Acacia Crassicarpa dan ekonomi pemanfaatan sebagai bahan baku arang Academic Article
Potensi, permasalahan dan kebijakan yang diperlukan dalam pengelolaan hutan dan lahan rawa gambut secara lestari Academic Article
Pradjadinata, S. Person
Pramono, A.P. Person
Pramulya, M. Person
Prananto, J.A. Person
Pranoto, D.Y. Person
Prasetyo, B.P. Person
Prasetyo, L.B. Person
Prasetyo, P. Person
Prasti H., R.D. Person
Prastono Person
Prastyaningsih, S.R. Person
Pratama, B.A. Person
Pratama, M.Z. Person
Pratanjana, N. Person
Pratiwi, E. Person
Prawira, Y. Person
Precipitation-fire linkages in Indonesia (1997-2015) Academic Article
Prediksi neraca air berbagai topologi lahan gambut di areal KHDTK Tumbang Nusa Presentation
Priatna, D. Person
Pribadi, A. Person
Pribadi, B. Person
Prince, S.D. Person
Principles of Hydrological Management of Tropical Peatland Chapter
Prisetiahadi, K. Person
Priyadi, H. Person
Priyanto, R. Person
Produktivitas dan biaya penyaradan kayu di Hutan Tanaman Rawa Gambut: Studi kasus di salah satu perusahaan hutan Di Riau Academic Article
Progress of paludiculture projects in supporting peatland ecosystem restoration in Indonesia Academic Article
Promising native tree species for reforestation of degraded tropical peatlands Academic Article
Pronk, M. Person
Prospek Paludikultur Ekosistem Gambut Indonesia Book
Protection and management of peatland ecosystem Presentation
Pudyatmoko, S. Person
Purwanto Person
Purwanto, J. Person
Purwanto, P. Person
Pusat Penelitian dan Pengembangan Sosial Ekonomi Kebijakan dan Perubahan Iklim Bogor Person
Pusat Studi Agroekologi dan Sumberdaya Lahan Person
Putra, E.I. Person
Putri, N.A. Person
Putri, R.A. Person
Pásztor, L. Person
Qayim, I. Person
Qirom, M.A. Person
Qomar, N. Person
Quantification of Peat Thickness and Stored Carbon at the Landscape Scale in Tropical Peatlands: A Comparison of Airborne Geophysics and an Empirical Topographic Method Academic Article
Rachmanadi, D. Person
Rachmandi, D. Person
Radjagukguk, B. Person
Rafiastanto, A. Person
Rahajoe, J.S. Person
Rahayu, S. Person
Rahma, A. Person
Rahman, M.A. Person
Rahman, S.A. Person
Rahmat, M. Person
Rahmayanto, Y. Person
Ramawati Person
Ramdani, R. Person
Ramdhani, M.R. Person
Randerson, J.T. Person
Randi, A. Person
Rates and spatial variability of peat subsidence in Acacia plantation and forest landscapes in Sumatra, Indonesia Academic Article
Ratnasari, D. Person
Rauf, A. Person
Razie, F. Person
Reducing CO2 emissions and supporting food security in Central Kalimantan, Indonesia, with improved peatland management Academic Article
Reference Level for the Estimation of Emission Reduction from Peatland Restoration
Regenerasi Tunas Adventif Dari Eksplan Daun Tembesu (Fagraea Fragrans Roxb.) Melalui Teknik Kultur Jaringan Academic Article
Regenerasi alami hutan rawa gambut terbakar dan lahan gambut terbakar di tumbang nusa, kalimantan tengah dan implikasinya terhadap konservasi Academic Article
Regional air quality impacts of future fire emissions in Sumatra and Kalimantan Academic Article
Reimer, P.M. Person
Relationship between fire and forest cover loss in Riau Province, Indonesia between 2001 and 2012 Academic Article
Rendering a land tenure and conflict resolutions: A case study in West Kalimantan Presentation
Research & Development Center for Social Economy Policy & Climate Change Person
Research milestone on criteria & indicators toward permanent restoration of Indonesia's peatlands Presentation
Responses to the 2010 La Nina event in the degraded peatlands of Central Kalimantan Presentation
Restorasi kesatuan hidrologis gambut Presentation
Restoration of tropical peat soils: The application of soil microbiology for monitoring the success of the restoration process Academic Article
Restoring Peat Ecosystem for a Prosperous South Sumatra
Restoring peatland, empowering villages: An urgency of collective action Presentation
Revitalisasi mata pencaharian di lahan gambut: Kerajinan anyaman dari Purun sebagai salah satu bentuk usaha berkelanjutan di Kabupaten Ogan Komering Ilir (OKI), Sumatera Selatan Academic Article
Rewetting design for tropical peatland restoration Academic Article
Reza, M.A. Person
Ricardo, J. Person
Richardson, C.J. Person
Rieley, J. Person
Rifansyah, O. Person
Rimba Makmur Person
Rinuwat, T. Person
Ripoll Capilla, B. Person
Risdiyanto, I. Person
Riset aksi partisipatif untuk pencegahan kebakaran dan restorasi gambut berbasis masyarakat: Model bisnis, sekat kanal dan sistem pemantauan partisipatif Presentation
Rixen, T. Person
Riyadi, A. Person
Roads on peat in East Sumatra Academic Article
Rochmayanto, Y. Person
Rodinah Person
Role of private sector in supporting community initiative towards peatland protection and restoration Presentation
Root- and peat-based CO2 emissions from oil palm plantations Academic Article
Roslinda, E. Person
Roswintiarti, O. Person
Roux, G.L. Person
Rowland, L. Person
Rudiyanto Person
Ruhimat, A. Person
Ruliyansyah, A. Person
Rumahorbo, B.T. Person
Rural Development and Local Governance: Key Factors to Promote Peatland Restoration Presentation
Rusolono, T. Person
Ruwaimana, M. Person
Saad, A. Person
Sabarudin, M.S. Person
Sabiham, S. Person
Safitri, M.A. Person
Saharjo, B.H. Person
Saito, H. Person
Saito, T. Person
Salahuddin Person
Salim, R. Person
Salma, S. Person
Saman, T.N. Person
Samiaji, J. Person
Samsoedin, I. Person
Samsudin, Y.B. Person
Sandan, P. Person
Sanders, A.J.P. Person
Sandhyavitri, A. Person
Sanjaya, R.S. Person
Sanora, A. Person
Santos, E.M. Person
Santos, G.M. Person
Santosa, P.B. Person
Santoso, I. Person
Saptomo, S.K. Person
Saraswati, R. Person
Sardi, I. Person
Sari, A.P. Person
Sari, E.N.N. Person
Sari, W. Person
Sari,, E.N. Person
Sarkkola, S. Person
Satellite soil moisture observations predict burned area in Southeast Asian peatlands Academic Article
Satwika, T.D. Person
Savitri, E. Person
Sazawa, K. Person
Sa’diyah, K. Person
Scenarios for withdrawal of oil palm plantations from peatlands in Jambi Province, Sumatra, Indonesia Academic Article
Schirrmann, M. Person
Schouten, G. Person
Schreer, V. Person
Schroeder, W. Person
Schwartz, J. Person
Sebaran dan Tipe Aset di Wilayah Kerja KFCP : Hubungan dengan sejarah kebakaran dan kedalaman gambut Book
Segah, H. Person
Seino, T. Person
Sepriando, A. Person
Serapan karbon Hutan Tanaman Krasikarpa pada lahan basah di Kabupatan Ogan Komering Ilir Sumatera Selatan Academic Article
Setiadi, B. Person
Setiadi, D. Person
Setiawan, B.I. Person
Setiawan, I. Person
Setiawan, M.F. Person
Setiawan, Y. Person
Setyaji, T. Person
Setyanto, P. Person
Shigenaga, Y. Person
Shimada, S. Person
Shimokura, H. Person
Shinyo, I. Person
Shiodera, S. Person
Shivakoti, G.P. Person
Shotyk, W. Person
Show Windows and Lessons Learned from Peatland Restoration in Indonesia Chapter
Siahaan, H. Person
Siahaan,, H. Person
Sianipar, Y. Person
Sianturi, R.D. Person
Sidiyasa, K. Person
Siegert, F. Person
Sihombing, R.M. Person
Silsigia, S. Person
Silva, L.C. Person
Silvestri, S. Person
Silviana, S.H., Saharjo, B.H., Sutikno, S., Putra, E.I., Basuki, I. Person
Silviani Person
Silvianingsih, Y.A. Person
Silvius, M. Person
Simamora, T.I. Person
Simanungkalit, F. Person
Simbolon, G.O. Person
Simbolon, H. Person
Sinclair, A.L. Person
Sintesis Hasil Litbang: Pengelolaan Hutan Rawa Gambut Book
Sirajudin Person
Siregar, C.A. Person
Siregar, U.J. Person
Sistem Agroforestri Berbasis Jelutung Rawa Untuk Memulihkan Lahan Gambut Terdegradasi Book
Sitanggang, I.S. Person
Slater, L. Person
Smallholder perceptions of land restoration activities: rewetting tropical peatland oil palm areas in Sumatra, Indonesia Academic Article
Smith, T.E. Person
Smoke radiocarbon measurements from Indonesian fires provide evidence for burning of millennia-aged peat Academic Article
Social Mapping of Access to Peat Swamp Forest and Peatland Resources Book
Social forestry in 4 years Presentation
Soebagio, S.M. Person
Soekmadi, R. Person
Sofan, P. Person
Sofiyuddin, M. Person
Soil carbon dioxide emissions from a rubber plantation on tropical peat Academic Article
Soil physicochemical and ethnobiological studies on the peat swamp forests of Southern Papua, Indonesia Academic Article
Solutions – Moving Ahead Creating a market to finance peatlands restoration in Kalimantan, Indonesia Presentation
Someya, Y. Person
Soni, P. Person
Sources of anthropogenic fire ignitions on the peat-swamp landscape in Kalimantan, Indonesia Academic Article
Spatial modeling of the threat of damage to the peatland ecosystem in the mainland of Bengkalis Regency, Riau Province Academic Article
Spatio-Temporal Variability of Peat CH4 and N2O Fluxes and Their Contribution to Peat GHG Budgets in Indonesian Forests and Oil Palm Plantations Academic Article
Spracklen, D.V. Person
Spracklen1, D.V. Person
Sriwahyuni, H. Person
Standard Methods for Estimating Greenhouse Gas Emissions from the Forestry Sector in Indonesia (Version 1) Book
Steele, B.G. Person
Straková, P. Person
Strengthening local institution to improve social cohesiveness Presentation
Strengthening peatland restoration and management governance in Indonesia Presentation
Stringer, L.C. Person
Studi Ekologi Tumbuhan Sagu (Metroxylon spp) dalam Komunitas Alami di Pulau Seram, Maluku Academic Article
Studi kearifan lokal penggunaan api persiapan lahan: studi kasus di hutan Mawas, Kalimantan Tengah Academic Article
Studi komparasi aplikasi penebangan ramah lingkungan di Riau dan Jambi Academic Article
Studi sumber penyebab terjadinya kebakaran dan respon masyarakat dalam rangka pengendalian kebakaran hutan gambut di areal Mawas Kalimantan Tengah Academic Article
Suardiwerianto, Y. Person
Subandy, B. Person
Subsidence and carbon dioxide emissions in a smallholder peatland mosaic in Sumatra, Indonesia Academic Article
Sudadi, U. Person
Sudiana, N. Person
Sudijanto, A. Person
Sudrajat, D.J. Person
Sudyana, I.N. Person
Sugardiman, R. Person
Sugardjito, J. Person
Sugimoto, H. Person
Sugiyanto, S. Person
Suharno Person
Suhartana, S. Person
Suhartana, S. and Yuniawati, Y. Person
Suhartati, S. Person
Sukanda, S. Person
Sukraini, N. Person
Sulaiman, A. Person
Sumadi, A. Person
Sumantyo, J.T.S. Person
Sumardi, S. Person
Sumarga, E. Person
Sumbayak, E.S. Person
Sumin, S. Person
Sumirat, B.K. Person
Sundari, S. Person
Suprayitno Person
Suprayogo, D. Person
Supriyanto Person
Supriyanto, B. Person
Supriyanto, S. Person
Supyani Person
Suradiredja, D. Person
Surahman, A. Person
Surati Person
Surati, S. Person
Surip, N.F.N. Person
Suryadiputra, I.N. Person
Suryandari, E.Y. Person
Suryanto Person
Susana, R. Person
Susanti, A. Person
Susanti, E. Person
Susanti, M.A. Person
Susanti, P.D. Person
Susanto, A.P. Person
Susanto, D. Person
Susanto, T.W. Person
Susatyo, K.E. Person
Susetyo, K.E. Person
Susilawati, H.L. Person
Susilo, G.E. Person
Susmianto, A. Person
Suspend new permits on primary natural forests and peatlands, and One Map Policy for peatlands Presentation
Sustainability Education and Capacity Building in Central Kalimantan, Indonesia Chapter
Sustainability status of technology application on rice farming in peatlands (case study at Kanamit Jaya village, Central Kalimantan) Academic Article
Sustainable Management Model for Peatland Ecosystems in the Riau, Sumatra Chapter
Sutandi, A. Person
Sutikno, S. Person
Suwandi, S. Person
Suwarno, A. Person
Suwarno, E. Person
Suwarsono Person
Suyanto, S. Person
Suzuki, H. Person
Swails, E. Person
Swindles, G.T. Person
Syabana, T.A.A. Person
Syahza, A. Person
Syarbini, M. Person
Syaufina, L. Person
Syawal, M.S. Person
Sylviani, S. Person
Szatmári, G. Person
Sze, J.S. Person
Székely, B. Person
Tachibana, T. Person
Taherdjadeh, M. Person
Taherzadeh, M. Person
Taherzadeh, M.J. Person
Takada, M. Person
Takahashi, H. Person
Takahashi, H., Yamamoto, K., Inoue, T. Person
Takeda, T. Person
Takematsu, Y. Person
Takeuchi, W. Person
Takeuchi. K. Person
Tamai, Y. Person
Taman, S.B.B. Person
Tamanuruddin, A. Person
Tampubolon, A. Person
Tampubolon, A.P. Person
Tanaka, A. Person
Tanaka, N. Person
Tanaka, S. Person
Tanhuanpää, T. Person
Tanjung, R.H.R. Person
Tansey, K. Person
Tantangan dalam pengelolaan ekosistem gambut di Indonesia Presentation
Tantangan dalam pengelolaan ekosistem mangrove di Indonesia Presentation
Tanuhandaru, M. Person
Tarsono Person
Tata, H. L. Person
Taufik, M. Person
Taufik,, M. Person
Tawaraya, K. Person
Teguh, R. Person
Terheggen, A. Person
Terry, N. Person
Testate Amoeba Species- and Trait-Based Transfer Functions for Reconstruction of Hydrological Regime in Tropical Peatland of Central Sumatra, Indonesia Academic Article
The Effect of Fire and Rewetting on the Groundwater Level in Tropical Peatlands Chapter
The Integrated Peatland Management System (IPMS) Academic Article
The Potential for REDD+ in Peatland of Central Kalimantan, Indonesia Chapter
The Transnationalisation of Competing State Projects: Carbon Offsetting and Development in Sumatra's Coastal Peat Swamps Academic Article
The effect of remnant forest on insect successional response in tropical fire impacted peatland: A Bi-Taxa comparison Academic Article
The effect of timber harvesting on fluctuation of peat water level and subsidence of peat-soil surface Academic Article
The effectiveness of the implementation of Presidential Instruction (INPRES) no. 5/2019 in eradicating the peatland fires in the Kalimantan Region Academic Article
The growth performance of micropropagated Talasbanana (Musa paradisiaca var. sapientum L) seedlings cultivated on peatlands Academic Article
The impact of Indonesia capital relocation to Kalimantan peatland restoration Academic Article
The institutional fit of peatland governance in Indonesia Academic Article
The linkage of El Niño-induced peat fires and its relation to current haze condition in Central Kalimantan Academic Article
The oldest extant tropical peatland in the world: a major carbon reservoir for at least 47 000 years Academic Article
The response of soil respiration to climatic drivers in undrained forest and drained oil palm plantations in an Indonesian peatland Academic Article
The role of local governance towards facilitating sustainable peatland management/restoration Presentation
The role of social capital of Riau women farmer groups in building collective action for tropical peatland restoration Academic Article
Theresia Person
Thomas, A. Person
Thornton, S.A. Person
Thürer, T. Person
Tim Puslitbang Hutan dan Fahutan IPB Person
Tim Restorasi Gambut Daerah Provinsi Sumatera Selatan Person
Tingkat Kerawanan Kebakaran Gambut Di Kabupaten Musi Banyuasin, Sumatera Selatan Academic Article
Tinhout, B. Person
Tinov, T. Person
Tjahyono, B. Person
To treat or not to treat? The seedling performance of native tree species for reforestation on degraded tropical peatlands of SE Asia Academic Article
Toma, Y. Person
Tonokura, K. Person
Total and heterotrophic soil respiration in a swamp forest and oil palm plantations on peat in Central Kalimantan, Indonesia Academic Article
Towards better use of Indonesian peatlands with paludiculture and low-drainage food crops Academic Article
Towards sustainable management of Indonesian tropical peatlands Academic Article
Tree Growth Rings in Tropical Peat Swamp Forests of Kalimantan, Indonesia Academic Article
Trees of tropical peatland forest influence on variability of water and carbon input through stemflow Academic Article
Tropical Peat and Peatland Definition in Indonesia Chapter
Tropical Peatland Forestry: Toward Forest Restoration and Sustainable Use of Wood Resources in Degraded Peatland Chapter
Tropical Peatland Restoration in Indonesia by Replanting with Useful Indigenous Peat Swamp Species: Paludiculture Chapter
Tropical Peatland of the World Chapter
Tropical forest and peatland conservation in Indonesia: Challenges and directions Academic Article
Tryanto, D.H. Person
Tsuji, N. Person
Tsyganov, A.N. Person
Tungau, S. Person
Turjaman, M. Person
Turyanti, A. Person
Uda, S.K. Person
Understanding Jelutung (Dyera polyphylla) value chains for the promotion in peatland restoration and sustainable peatland management in Indonesia
Understanding how to better scale-up fire prevention behaviour in Indonesia Presentation
Understanding the Impacts of Recurrent Peat Fires in Padang Island – Riau Province, Indonesia Academic Article
Universitas Lambung Mangkurat Person
Universitas Palangkaraya Person
Unrelenting games: Multiple negotiations and landscape transformations in the tropical peatlands of Central Kalimantan, Indonesia Academic Article
Upton, C. Person
Uriarte, M. Person
Usup, A. Person
Utami-Atmoko, S.S. Person
Utilization of peat ecosystem for community welfare Presentation
Utomo, B. Person
Valkeapää, A. Person
Van Der Kaars, S. Person
Van, Dam,, J.C. Person
Van, Der, Werf, G.R. Person
Van, Lanen,, H.A.J. Person
Van, der, Laan, C. Person
Varkkey, H. Person
Vasander, H. Person
Veldhuizen, A.A. Person
Vernimmen, R. Person
Verweij, P.A. Person
Vetrita, Y. Person
Viabilitas fungi Penicillium citrinum pada media pembawa yang berbeda sebagai pupuk hayati Academic Article
Viezzoli, A. Person
Visser, M. Person
Visualizing the spatiotemporal trends of thermal characteristics in a peatland plantation forest in Indonesia: Pilot test using unmanned aerial systems (UASs) Academic Article
Vogel, E.R. Person
Volkova, L. Person
Wacanno, S.R. Person
Wading through the swamp: what does tropical peatland restoration mean to national-level stakeholders in Indonesia? Academic Article
Wahno, I. Person
Wahyuningtyas, R.S. Person
Wahyunto, S.H. Person
Wakhid, N. Person
Waldron, S. Person
Walker, N.F. Person
Ward, C. Person
Wardhana, B. Person
Wardhana, B.S. Person
Wardhana, W. Person
Warren, M. Person
Warren-Thomas, E. Person
Watanabe, K. Person
Watanabe, T. Person
Watanabe, Y. Person
Way forward on criteria and indicators towards permanent restoration of Indonesia’s peatlands Presentation
Wayson, C. Person
Weather radar detection of planetary boundary layer and smoke layer top of peatland fire in Central Kalimantan, Indonesia Academic Article
Weathers, K.C. Person
Webb, A.J. Person
Weikard, H.P. Person
Weston, C.J. Person
Why peatlands matter
Wibisono, G. Person
Wibowo, A. Person
Wicaksono, S.A. Person
Wich, S.A. Person
Wicke, B. Person
Widayati, A. Person
Widiaputri, R.S. Person
Widiastuti, T. Person
Widiatma, A.P. Person
Widodo, J. Person
Wiedemann, W. Person
Wigena, I.G.P. Person
Wiggins, E.B. Person
Wijaya, R.M.A. Person
Wijedasa, L.S. Person
Wildayana, E. Person
Wildfire smoke impacts activity and energetics of wild Bornean orangutans Academic Article
Will CO2 Emissions from Drained Tropical Peatlands Decline Over Time? Links Between Soil Organic Matter Quality, Nutrients, and C Mineralization Rates Academic Article
Williamson, J.M. Person
Winara, A. Person
Winarno, B. Person
Wiratmoko, M.E. Person
Wiratno Person
Wit, F. Person
Wiyono, W. Person
Wooster, M.J. Person
Worbes, M. Person
Wulandari, A.S. Person
Wösten, J.H.M. Person
Xaverius, F. Person
Xu, W. Person
Xu, X. Person
Yamada, H. Person
Yamamoto, K. Person
Yamamoto, Y. Person
Yamanaka, M.D. Person
Yamani, A. Person
Yang, X. Person
Yanto Person
Yazid, M. Person
Yesi, Y. Person
Yoshimura, T. Person
Young, D.M. Person
Younger, J.S. Person
Yu, K. Person
Yu, L.E. Person
Yuda, P. Person
Yuherdha, A. Person
Yuherdha, A.T. Person
Yule, C.M. Person
Yulianingsing, E. Person
Yulianti, N. Person
Yuniati, D. Person
Yuniawati, Y. Person
Yusa, M. Person
Yusro, F. Person
Yustiawati Person
Yuwati, T.W. Person
Yuwati, T.W., Rachmanadi, D., Qirom, M.A., Santosa, P.B., Kusin, K., Tata, H.L. Person
Yuwono, T. Person
Zabala, A. Person
Zaccone, C. Person
Zakiah, S.N. Person
Zhang, T. Person
Zhizhin, M. Person
Zhou, Z. Person
Zuhdi, M. Person
Zul, D. Person
Zulkarnain, M.T. Person
del Aguila Pasquel, J. Person
del Castillo Torres, D. Person
van Noordwijk, M. Person
van Veen, F.J.F. Person
van der Vat, M. Person
van, Lanen, H.A.J. Person
van, Noordwijk, M. Person