Peatland area in Indonesia was about 14.91 million ha spread out in Sumatra 6.44 million ha (43 %), in Kalimantan 4.78 million ha (32 %), and in Papua islands 3.69 million ha (25 %). The important factors of peatland for agriculture are closely related to properties and character of soil, water, and GHGs emissions. The factors should be considered in arranging decision or policy and utilization for agriculture. Utilization of peatlands for agriculture in Indonesia has a long historical foundation. Starting from success of indigenous peoples who looked peatland as a resource to produce traditionally food crops, fruits, and spices, then they have been growing into large plantations managed modernly to get a better income like palm oil plantation, however it is required to be sustainability for which water level, wild fire, and biodiversity must be managed appropriately. Greenhouse gases (GHGs) emissions issues, also, motivated government to limit peatland utilization because some of the emission was from peatland.