Vocabulary Service
subject area of
10,000 years of climate control over carbon accumulation in an Iberian bog (southwestern Europe) Academic Article
A 13,000-year peatland palaeohydrological response to the ENSO-related Asian monsoon precipitation changes in the middle Yangtze Valley Academic Article
A Community-based monitoring system for peat swamp forest restoration Conference Poster
A Comparative Zoogeographic View on the Animal Biodiversity of Indonesia and Japan Chapter
A Potential Approach for Enhancing Carbon Sequestration During Peatland Restoration Using Low-Cost, Phenolic-Rich Biomass Supplements Academic Article
A Review of Techniques for Effective Tropical Peatland Restoration Academic Article
A comparison of satellite remote sensing data fusion methods to map peat swamp forest loss in Sumatra, Indonesia Academic Article
A cost-efficient method to assess carbon stocks in tropical peat soil Academic Article
A framework for restoring degraded tropical peat swamp forests Presentation
A framework for valuing spatially targeted peatland restoration Academic Article
A hydrogeological landscape framework to identify peatland wildfire smouldering hot spots Academic Article
A linear programming model to biophysically assess some ecosystem service synergies and trade-offs in two Irish landscapes Academic Article
A model of gross primary productivity based on satellite data suggests formerly afforested peatlands undergoing restoration regain full photosynthesis capacity after five to ten years Academic Article
A multi-adaptive framework for the crop choice in paludicultural cropping systems Academic Article
A multi-proxy reconstruction of moisture dynamics in a peatland ecosystem: A case study from Čepkeliai, Lithuania Academic Article
A multiscale productivity assessment of high andean peatlands across the Chilean Altiplano using 31 years of landsat imagery Academic Article
A new method for rapid measurement of canal water table depth using airborne LiDAR, with application to drained peatlands in indonesia Academic Article
A new method to map groundwater table in peatlands using unmanned aerial vehicles Academic Article
A new methodology for monitoring peatland degradation: Case study of the Okavango River Delta, Botswana Presentation
A novel approach to peatlands as archives of total cumulative spatial pollution loads from atmospheric deposition of airborne elements complementary to EMEP data: priority pollutants (Pb, Cd, Hg) Academic Article
A place-based approach to payments for ecosystem services Academic Article
A radiative forcing analysis of tropical peatlands before and after their conversion to agricultural plantations Academic Article
A radiative forcing analysis of tropical peatlands before and after their conversion to agricultural plantations Academic Article
A regime shift from erosion to carbon accumulation in a temperate northern peatland Academic Article
A review of the drivers of tropical peatland degradation in South-East Asia Academic Article
A revised pan-Arctic permafrost soil Hg pool based on Western Siberian peat Hg and carbon observations Academic Article
A worldwide assessment of greenhouse gas emissions from drained organic soils Academic Article
APP forest conservation policy Presentation
About Greifswald and the World Presentation
Accelerating global collaboration on tropical peatlands Presentation
Adaptation of restoration target with climate change: the case of a coastal peatland Academic Article
Adding stable carbon isotopes improves model representation of the role of microbial communities in peatland methane cycling Academic Article
Advances in the determination of humification degree in peat since Achard (1786): applications in geochemical and paleoenvironmental Academic Article
Age, extent and carbon storage of the central Congo Basin peatland complex Academic Article
Agricultural drainage increases the photosynthetic capacity of boreal peatlands Academic Article
Agroforestri di lahan gambut: menggabungkan fungsi produktif dan protektif sebagai bagian dari restorasi
Agroforestry Berbasis Jelutung Rawa : Solusi Sosial, Ekonomi, dan Lingkungan Pengelolaan Lahan Gambut Book
Agroforestry on peatlands: combining productive and protective functions as part of restoration
Agroforestry on peatlands: combining productive and protective functions as part of restoration
Agroforests, Swiddening and Livelihoods between Restored Peat Domes and River: Effects of the 2015 Fire Ban in Central Kalimantan (Indonesia) Academic Article
Agroforesty system for rehabilitation of degraded peatland in Central Kalimantan Academic Article
Air temperature changes and their impact on permafrost ecosystems in Eastern Siberia Academic Article
Airborne electromagnetic and radiometric peat thickness mapping of a bog in Northwest Germany (Ahlen-Falkenberger Moor) Academic Article
Airborne electromagnetic, magnetic, and radiometric surveys at the German North Sea coast applied to groundwater and soil investigations Academic Article
Airborne hyperspectral evaluation of maximum gross photosynthesis, gravimetricwater content, and CO2 uptake efficiency of the Mer Bleue ombrotrophic peatland Academic Article
Aligning peatland restoration with green growth and economic benefits for people Presentation
Always on the tipping point – A search for signals of past societies and related peatland ecosystem critical transitions during the last 6500 years in N Poland Academic Article
An Initiative to save peatlands as the world's largest terrestrial organic carbon stock Presentation
An appraisal of Indonesia's immense peat carbon stock using national peatland maps: uncertainties and potential losses from conversion Academic Article
An ecosystem services analysis of oil palm and alternative land use systems on peat in Malaysia Academic Article
An experimental method to investigate the water-based suppression of smoldering peat fire Academic Article
An expert system model for identifying and mapping tropical wetlands and peatlands Presentation
An expert system model for mapping tropical wetlands and peatlands reveals South America as the largest contributor Academic Article
An exploration of gender equity in household: A case from a peatland-based community in Riau, Indonesia Academic Article
An integrated landscape approach for socially inclusive peatland restoration Academic Article
Analisis mata pencaharian di lahan gambut: Kasus Kabupaten Tanjung Jabung Barat Academic Article
Analisis spasial tingkat kerusakan kawasan Suaka Margasatwa Padang Sugihan Sumatera Selatan Academic Article
Analysing and mapping of land fire vulnerability in Kumpeh, Muaro Jambi District, Jambi Province Academic Article
Analysis of challenges, costs, and governance alternative for peatland restoration in Central Kalimantan, Indonesia Academic Article
Ancient dissolved methane in inland waters revealed by a new collection method at low field concentrations for radiocarbon (14C) analysis Academic Article
Apakah gambut itu? Apa saja manfaatnya? Apakah hubungan antara gambut dengan kebakaran?
Application of SAR interferometry using ALOS-2 PALSAR-2 data as precise method to identify degraded peatland areas related to forest fire Academic Article
Approaches for peatland monitoring and assessment Presentation
Aquatic Communities in Peatland of Central Kalimantan Chapter
Aquatic export of young dissolved and gaseous carbon from a pristine boreal fen: Implications for peat carbon stock stability Academic Article
Arid Central Asia saw mid-Holocene drought Academic Article
Arrangement and Structure of Weirs on the Kalampangan Canal Chapter
Assessing livelihood development impact against community welfare of peat dependent community Presentation
Assessing the health impacts of peatland fires: a case study for Central Kalimantan, Indonesia Academic Article
Assessing the impact of peat erosion on growing season CO2 fluxes by comparing erosional peat pans and surrounding vegetated haggs Academic Article
Assessing the peatland hummock-hollow classification framework using high-resolution elevation models: Implications for appropriate complexity ecosystem modeling Academic Article
Assessment of Suitability of Tree Species for Bioenergy Production on Burned and Degraded Peatlands in Central Kalimantan, Indonesia Academic Article
Attaining whole-ecosystem warming using air and deep-soil heating methods with an elevated CO2 atmosphere Academic Article
Balancing food security, livelihoods & climate Presentation
Basic Information About Tropical Peatland Ecosystems Chapter
Bekantan: Kebakaran Hutan di Rawa Gambut, Bencana atau Bahaya Laten?
Bekantan: Restorasi Lahan Gambut
Benefits and costs of oil palm expansion in Central Kalimantan, Indonesia, under different policy scenarios Academic Article
Benefits, burdens and solutions to Indonesian Peatland Fires Presentation
Best Practice Peat Management (BPM) in existing plantation Presentation
Best Practices on Indonesia's Peatland Management: Lesson Learnt, Opportunities & Challenges Presentation
Best Practices on Indonesia’s Peatland Management: Lesson Learnt, Opportunities & Challenges - BRG Presentation
Biaya dan produktivitas penyaradan dan pembuatan/pemeliharaan kanal di HTI Rawa Gambut di Riau dan Jambi Academic Article
Biochar for the Improvement of Peatland and Suboptimal Land Chapter
Biochemical determinants of litter quality in 15 species of Sphagnum Academic Article
Biologically driven DOC release from peatlands during recovery from acidification Academic Article
Biomasa hutan rawa gambut tropika pada berbagai kondisi penutupan lahan Academic Article
Biomass burning drives atmospheric nutrient redistribution within forested peatlands in Borneo Academic Article
Biotic and Abiotic Drivers of Peatland Growth and Microtopography: A Model Demonstration Academic Article
Biotic and Environmental Drivers of Plant Microbiomes Across a Permafrost Thaw Gradient Academic Article
Blue carbon and peatlands and the role they play at climate talks
Bog breathing: the extent of peat shrinkage and expansion on blanket bogs in relation to water table, heather management and dominant vegetation and its implications for carbon stock assessments Academic Article
Brief review on climate change and tropical peatlands Academic Article
Brown carbon aerosols from burning of boreal peatlands: Microphysical properties, emission factors, and implications for direct radiative forcing Academic Article
Budidaya Kelapa Hibrida di Lahan Gambut
Budidaya Shorea Balangeran di Lahan Gambut Book
Budidaya kopi Liberika di lahan gambut
C & I participatory governance in peatland restoration Presentation
C-band dual-polarization synthetic aperture radar application for peat depth classification: A case study in Siak Regency, Riau Province, Indonesia Academic Article
CO2 emissions from tropical drained peat in Sumatra Indonesia Academic Article
CO2 fluxes from drained tropical peatland used for oil palm plantation in relation to peat characteristics and crop age after planting Academic Article
Can C-band synthetic aperture radar be used to estimate soil organic carbon storage in tundra? Academic Article
Can oxygen stable isotopes be used to track precipitation moisture source in vascular plant-dominated peatlands? Academic Article
Caracterização de turfeiras das cabeceiras do Rio Araçuaí, Minas Gerais Academic Article
Carbon Emissions from Drained and Degraded Peatland in Indonesia and Emission Factors for MRV of Peatland Greenhouse Gas Emissions Book
Carbon Stock Estimate Chapter
Carbon Stocks from Peat Swamp Forest and Oil Palm Plantation in Central Kalimantan, Indonesia Chapter
Carbon dioxide and methane fluxes in grazed and undisturbed mountain peatlands in the Ecuadorian Andes Academic Article
Carbon dioxide emission and peat hydrophobicity in tidal peatlands Academic Article
Carbon dioxide sink function in restored milled peatlands – The significance of weather and vegetation Academic Article
Carbon dynamics in boreal peatlands of the Yenisey region, western Siberia Academic Article
Carbon emission from thermokarst lakes in NE European tundra Academic Article
Carbon emissions during wildland fire on a North American temperate peatland Academic Article
Carbon emissions from oil palm development on deep peat soil in Central Kalimantan Indonesia Academic Article
Carbon leaching from tropical peat soils and consequences for carbon balances Academic Article
Carbon loss associated with land-use change in tropical peatlands: methods and estimates Presentation
Carbon release from agricultural cultivated peats at Sungai Hitam Wetland, Bengkulu Province, Indonesia Academic Article
Carbon stable isotopes as a palaeoclimate proxy in vascular plant dominated peatlands Academic Article
Carbon stocks and emissions from degradation and conversion of tropical peat swamp forests in West Kalimantan, Indonesia Conference Paper
Carbon stocks, emissions, and aboveground productivity in restored secondary tropical peat swamp forests Academic Article
Carbon, biodiversity and land-use in the Central Congo Basin Peatlands
Carbon, biodiversity and land-use in the Central Congo Basin Peatlands Report
Carbone, biodiversité et utilisation des terres dans les tourbières de la Cuvette Centrale du Congo
Carbone, biodiversité et utilisation des terres dans les tourbières du bassin central de la Cuvette Centrale du Congo Report
Case Study on Community-Based Water Management in Tropical Peatland Chapter
Century-scale patterns and trends of global pyrogenic carbon emissions and fire influences on terrestrial carbon balance Academic Article
Changes in dissolved organic carbon quality in soils and discharge 10 years after peatland restoration Academic Article
Changes in functional, phylogenetic and taxonomic diversities of lowland fens under different vegetation and disturbance levels Academic Article
Changing Paradigms in the History of Tropical Peatland Research Chapter
Characterising policy responses to complex socio-ecological problems: 60 fire management interventions in Indonesian peatlands Academic Article
Characteristics of Tropical Drained Peatlands and CO2 Emission under Several Land Use Types Academic Article
Characterizing Forest Degradation and Carbon Biomass Assessment in Tropical Peatlands using Multi Remote Sensing Approaches Presentation
Characterizing Forest Degradation and Carbon Biomass Assessment in Tropical Peatlands using Multi-Temporal and Multi-Polarizations SAR Data Presentation
Characterizing degradation of palm swamp peatlands from space and on the ground: An exploratory study in the Peruvian Amazon Academic Article
Characterizing the water storage capacity and hydrological role of mountain peatlands in the arid andes of North-Central Chile Academic Article
Climate Change Mitigation through Land Use on Rewetted Peatlands – Cross-Sectoral Spatial Planning for Paludiculture in Northeast Germany Academic Article
Climate change mitigation through sustainable degraded peatlands management in central Kalimantan, Indonesia Academic Article
Climate-Responsible Management of Tropical Peatlands: The Need for Integrated MRV for Tropical Peatland Ecosystem Chapter
Clonal in vitro propagation of peat mosses (Sphagnum L.) as novel green resources for basic and applied research Academic Article
Clonal propagation of Belangeran (Shorea belangeran) and Ulin (Eusideroxylon zwageri) to support conservation and plantation peatlands Presentation
Coexistence of Humans and Nature in Tropical Peatlands Chapter
Combination of warming and vegetation composition change strengthens the environmental controls on N 2 O fluxes in a boreal peatland Academic Article
Community management of peatland: Participatory action research for community-based peatland restoration Presentation
Community-based Fire Prevention and Peatland Restoration in Indonesia Presentation
Community-based peatland restoration in Gohong Village, Central Kalimantan Presentation
Compact Firefighting System for Villages and Water Resources for Firefighting in Peatland Area of Central Kalimantan Chapter
Comparison of eddy covariance CO2 and CH4 fluxes from mined and recently rewetted sections in a northwestern German cutover bog Academic Article
Comparison of methods for quantifying soil carbon in tropical peats Academic Article
Composition and concentration of root exudate analogues regulate greenhouse gas fluxes from tropical peat Academic Article
Composition and cycling of dissolved organic matter from tropical peatlands of coastal Sarawak, Borneo, revealed by fluorescence spectroscopy and parallel factor analysis Academic Article
Computational smoldering combustion: Predicting the roles of moisture and inert contents in peat wildfires Academic Article
Computational study of critical moisture and depth of burn in peat fires Academic Article
Congo Basin peatlands: threats and conservation priorities Academic Article
CongoPeat Presentation
Conservation in the face of ambivalence – public perceptions of peatlands as ‘the good, the bad and the ugly Academic Article
Consortia of low-abundance bacteria drive sulfate reduction-dependent degradation of fermentation products in peat soil microcosms Academic Article
Constraining the emission of particulate matter from Indonesian peatland burning using continuous observation data Academic Article
Constraints on microbial communities, decomposition and methane production in deep peat deposits Academic Article
Contrasting communications of sustainability science in the media coverage of palm oil agriculture on tropical peatlands in Indonesia, Malaysia and Singapore Academic Article
Contrasting transit times of water from peatlands and eucalypt forests in the Australian Alps determined by tritium: Implications for vulnerability and the source of water in upland catchments Academic Article
Contribution of Hyperspectral Applications to Tropical Peatland Ecosystem Monitoring Chapter
Contribution of ameliorant application on carbon balance in rice (Oryza Sativa L.) cropping in peatland Academic Article
Controls of Sphagnum growth and the role of winter Academic Article
Conversion of peat swamp forest to oil palm cultivation reduces the diversity and abundance of macrofungi Academic Article
Creating a lowland and peatland landscape digital terrain model (DTM) from interpolated partial coverage LiDAR data for Central Kalimantan and East Sumatra, Indonesia Academic Article
Criteria and indicators for defining and measuring peatland restoration Presentation
Criteria and indicators for peatland restoration Presentation
Criteria and indicators for tropical peatland restoration: Governance aspect Presentation
Cushion bogs are stronger carbon dioxide net sinks than moss-dominated bogs as revealed by eddy covariance measurements on Tierra del Fuego, Argentina Academic Article
Dampak pengembangan sektor ekonomi terhadap potensi konflik di KPHP Delta Mahakam dan KPHL Sungai Beram Hitam Academic Article
Dampak penurunan daur tanaman HTI Acacia terhadap kelestarian produksi, ekologis dan sosial Academic Article
Dapatkah kematangan gambut dijadikan proxy kandungan bahan organik dan bobot isi dalam penghitungan cadangan karbon gambut tropis secara cepat?
De la fumée sur l’eau: lutter contre les menaces mondiales liées à la destruction et à la dégradation des tourbières Book
Declining peatland bird numbers are not consistent with the increasing Common Crane population Academic Article
Defining ecological restoration of peatlands in Central Kalimantan, Indonesia Academic Article
Deforested and drained tropical peatland sites show poorer peat substrate quality and lower microbial biomass and activity than unmanaged swamp forest Academic Article
Denial of long-term issues with agriculture on tropical peatlands will have devastating consequences Letter
Derivation of greenhouse gas emission factors for peatlands managed for extraction in the Republic of Ireland and the United Kingdom Academic Article
Desain Center of Excellent (CoE): Pengelolaan gambut tropis Presentation
Designing the special pilot economic zone on peatlands Academic Article
Detecting northern peatland vegetation patterns at ultra-high spatial resolution Academic Article
Detecting peat extraction related activity with multi-temporal Sentinel-1 InSAR coherence time series Academic Article
Detecting peatland drains with Object Based Image Analysis and Geoeye-1 imagery Academic Article
Detecting trends in Wetland extent from MODIS derived soil moisture estimates Academic Article
Detection and Prediction Systems of Peat-Forest Fires in Central Kalimantan Chapter
Detection and characterization of low temperature peat fires during the 2015 fire catastrophe in Indonesia using a new high-sensitivity fire monitoring satellite sensor (FireBird) Academic Article
Developing allometric equations for estimating shrub biomass in a boreal fen Academic Article
Developing value chains of agriculture products around peatland restoration area Presentation
Development Paludiculture on Tropical Peatland for Productive and Sustainable Ecosystem in Riau Academic Article
Development of a water quality index for watercourses downstream of harvested peatlands Academic Article
Development of commercial products based on wetland crops to improve community welfare Presentation
Development of control drainage operation model and utilization planning of post-fire peatlands Academic Article
Differential response of carbon cycling to long-term nutrient input and altered hydrological conditions in a continental Canadian peatland Academic Article
Digital mapping of peatlands – A critical review Academic Article
Dinamika pengelolaan mangrove di daerah: kondisi, tantangan dan peluang Presentation
Discharged Sulfuric Acid from Peatland to River System Chapter
Discovering the world’s largest tropical peatland complex in the Congo basin: combining field, laboratory and satellite datasets for conservation Presentation
Dissolved organic carbon and major and trace elements in peat porewater of sporadic, discontinuous, and continuous permafrost zones of western Siberia Academic Article
Distance to forest, mammal and bird dispersal drive natural regeneration on degraded tropical peatland Academic Article
Distribution and cycling of terrigenous dissolved organic carbon in peatland-draining rivers and coastal waters of Sarawak, Borneo Academic Article
Distributions of geohopanoids in peat: Implications for the use of hopanoid-based proxies in natural archives Academic Article
Disturbance Impacts on Thermal Hot Spots and Hot Moments at the Peatland-Atmosphere Interface Academic Article
Diverse fen plant communities enhance carbon-related multifunctionality, but do not mitigate negative effects of drought Academic Article
Diversity and potential activity of methanotrophs in high methane-emitting permafrost thaw ponds Academic Article
Domestication of Dyera polyphylla (Miq.) Steenis in peatland agroforestry systems in Jambi, Indonesia Academic Article
Drainage and land use impacts on changes in selected peat properties and peat degradation in West Kalimantan Province, Indonesia Academic Article
Drainage increases CO2 and N2O emissions from tropical peat soils Academic Article
Drained organic soils under agriculture — The more degraded the soil the higher the specific basal respiration Academic Article
Drivers of Holocene peatland carbon accumulation across a climate gradient in northeastern North America Academic Article
Drivers of long-term variability in CO2 net ecosystem exchange in a temperate peatland Academic Article
Dynamic changes of groundwater storage and flows in a disturbed alpine peatland under variable climatic conditions Academic Article
EIA and Environmental Permit: Tools for Sustainable Tropical Peatland Management Presentation
Ecohydrological change following rewetting of a deep-drained northern raised bog Academic Article
Ecological disturbance in tropical peatlands prior to marine permian-triassic mass extinction Academic Article
Economic indicators for peatland restoration Presentation
Economics of Peatlands Restoration in Central Kalimantan, Indonesia Presentation
Ecosystem restoration study & assistance: P3SEKPI and APP contribution for climate action Presentation
Ecosystem state shifts during long-term development of an Amazonian peatland Academic Article
Ecosystems based mitigation: from incentives to practice - Opportunities and progress in reducing emissions from peatlands Presentation
Edge effects on biomass, growth, and tree diversity of a degraded peatland in west kalimantan, indonesia Academic Article
Editorial: Wetland Biogeochemistry: Response to Environmental Change Academic Article
Efektivitas penggunaan media tanam dan pupuk terhadap kemampuan bertunas tanaman pangkas KESS (Lophostemon suaveolens (Sol.ex Gaertn.)Peter G.Wilson& J.T. Waterh) Academic Article
Effect of past peat cultivation practices on present dynamics of dissolved organic carbon Academic Article
Effect of water-condition of high Andean wet pastures of the transitional desert of Chile on some community attributes of their diptero-fauna [Efecto de la condición hídrica de vegas altoandinas del desierto transicional de Chile sobre algunas características comunitarias de su dipterofauna] Academic Article
Effective monitoring and management of peatland restoration Conference Paper
Effectiveness of Roundtable on Sustainable Palm Oil (RSPO) for reducing fires on oil palm concessions in Indonesia from 2012 to 2015 Academic Article
Effects of Sphagnum Leachate on Competitive Sphagnum Microbiome Depend on Species and Time Academic Article
Effects of distance from canal and degradation history on peat bulk density in a degraded tropical peatland Academic Article
Effects of drainage ditches on water table level, soil conditions and tree growth of degraded peatland forests in West Kalimantan Academic Article
Effects of indirect facilitation on functional diversity, dominance and niche differentiation in tropical alpine communities Academic Article
Effects of sterilization techniques on chemodenitrification and N2O production in tropical peat soil microcosms Academic Article
Efforts to overcome data and mapping challenges Presentation
Ekosistem Gambut Lestari UntukSumatera Selatan Sejahtera: Ringkasan informasi, data dan analisa sementara terhadap ekosistem gambut di Provinsi Sumatera Selatan
Eksplorasi Ulin di Kalimantan untuk Konservasi Ex-situ Academic Article
Emerging challenges for sustainable development and forest conservation in Sarawak, Borneo Academic Article
Emissions of methane from northern peatlands: a review of management impacts and implications for future management options Academic Article
EnRoot: A narrow-diameter, inexpensive and partially 3D-printable minirhizotron for imaging fine root production Academic Article
Enabling private sector engagement for business-based peatlands restoration & REDD+ Presentation
Enhancing water levels of degraded, bare, tropical peatland in West Kalimantan, Indonesia: Impacts on CO2 emission from soil respiration Academic Article
Environmental and taxonomic controls of carbon and oxygen stable isotope composition in Sphagnum across broad climatic and geographic ranges Academic Article
Environmental change and peatland forest dynamics in the Lake Sentarum area, West Kalimantan, Indonesia Academic Article
Environmental dynamics and carbon accumulation rate of a tropical peatland in Central Sumatra, Indonesia Academic Article
Environmentally friendly and economically sustainable local peatland cultivation strategies Academic Article
Enzyme Activities in Relation to Total K, Ca, Mg, Fe, Cu, and Zn in Oil Palm Rhizosphere of Riau's Peatlands, Indonesia Academic Article
Estimasi harga konservasi karbon pada kegiatan A/R CDM di Hutan Lindung Sekaroh, Lombok Timur Academic Article
Estimating Distribution of Carbon Stock in Tropical Peatland Using a Combination of an Empirical Peat Depth Model and GIS Academic Article
Estimating Peatland water table depth and net ecosystem exchange: A comparison between satellite and airborne imagery Academic Article
Estimating fine-root production by tree species and understorey functional groups in two contrasting peatland forests Academic Article
Estimation Model of Ground Water Table at Peatland in Central Kalimantan, Indonesia Chapter
Estimation and Uncertainty of Recent Carbon Accumulation and Vertical Accretion in Drained and Undrained Forested Peatlands of the Southeastern USA Academic Article
Estimation of Annual Greenhouse Gas Emissions from Forest and Peat Lands in Central Kalimantan Book
Ethnic Plant Resources in Central Kalimantan Chapter
Evaluasi Sistem Silvikultur Hutan Rawa Gambut di Indonesia Book
Evaluating goal programming as a backcasting tool to assess the impact of local stakeholder determined policies on the future provision of ecosystem services in forested landscapes Academic Article
Evaluating the social and environmental factors behind the 2015 extreme fire event in Sumatra, Indonesia Academic Article
Evaluation of Disturbed Peatland/Forest CO2 Emissions by Atmospheric Concentration Measurements Chapter
Evaluation of Eco-Management of Tropical Peatlands Chapter
Evaluation of impacts of management in an anthropogenic peatland using field and remote sensing data Academic Article
Evaluation of in vitro antagonistic activity of fungi from peatlands against ganoderma species under acidic condition Academic Article
Evaluation of phenospectral dynamics with Sentinel-2A using a bottom-up approach in a northern ombrotrophic peatland Academic Article
Evidence for preferential protein depolymerization in wetland soils in response to external nitrogen availability provided by a novel FTIR routine Academic Article
Experiences and lessons learned on peatlands Presentation
Experimental study of the formation and collapse of an overhang in the lateral spread of smouldering peat fires Academic Article
Expert assessment of future vulnerability of the global peatland carbon sink Academic Article
Experts and resource users split over solutions to peatland fires Academic Article
Exploration of the importance of physical properties of Indonesian peatlands to assess critical groundwater table depths, associated drought and fire hazard Academic Article
Exploring the potential of ground-penetrating radar (GPR) to measure the extent of chronic disturbance in peatlands: Examples from acid mine drainage and peat fire Conference Paper
Extending a land-surface model with Sphagnum moss to simulate responses of a northern temperate bog to whole ecosystem warming and elevated CO2 Academic Article
Extensive fires in southeastern Siberian permafrost linked to preceding Arctic Oscillation Academic Article
FAOSTAT estimates of greenhouse gas emissions from biomass and peat fires Academic Article
Facing the peat CO2 threat: digital mapping of Indonesian peatlands - a proposed methodology and its application Academic Article
Fate of terrestrial organic carbon and associated CO2 and CO emissions from two Southeast Asian estuaries Academic Article
Field Data Transmission System by Universal Mobile Telecommunication Network Chapter
Fine Particle Emissions From Tropical Peat Fires Decrease Rapidly With Time Since Ignition Academic Article
Fire emissions and regional air quality impacts from fires in oil palm, timber, and logging concessions in Indonesia Academic Article
Fire frequency and related land-use and land-cover changes in Indonesia's Peatlands Academic Article
Fire spot identification based on hotspot sequential pattern and burned area classification Academic Article
Fire temperatures and Sphagnum damage during prescribed burning on peatlands Academic Article
Fire-driven biomass and peat carbon losses and post-fire soil CO2 emission in a West Kalimantan peatland forest Academic Article
Fire: The Challenge to Sustainable Management of Tropical Peatlands Presentation
Fires of the last millennium led to landscapes dominated by early successional species in Québec's Clay Belt Boreal Forest, Canada Academic Article
Fires, Smoke Exposure, and Public Health: An Integrative Framework to Maximize Health Benefits From Peatland Restoration Academic Article
First evidence of peat domes in the congo basin using LiDAR from a fixed-wing drone Academic Article
Fish for Food Security in Tropical Peatland Areas: The Case of Riau Province, Indonesia Presentation
Floristic Diversity in the Peatland Ecosystems of Central Kalimantan Chapter
Fluvial organic carbon fluxes from oil palm plantations on tropical peatland Academic Article
For peat's sake: the facts
Forest Structure and Productivity of Tropical Heath and Peatland Forests Chapter
Forest and Land Fires Are Mainly Associated with Deforestation in Riau Province, Indonesia Academic Article
Forest and land fires in Pelalawan district, Riau, Indonesia: Drivers, pressures, impacts and responses Academic Article
Forest inventory attribute prediction using airborne laser scanning in low-productive forestry-drained boreal peatlands Academic Article
Forestland-peatland hydrologic connectivity in water-limited environments: hydraulic gradients often oppose topography Academic Article
From canals to the coast: Dissolved organic matter and trace metal composition in rivers draining degraded tropical peatlands in Indonesia Academic Article
Fungal diversity in peatlands and its contribution to carbon cycling Academic Article
Fungi and macrofauna community in post-fire peatland in Central Kalimantan Academic Article
Further results on comparison of methods for quantifying soil carbon in tropical peats Academic Article
Gambut Lestari: Awareness solutions for the crisis of peatland Academic Article
Gemor (Notaphoebe coriacea), Hasil Hutan Bukan Kayu (HHBK) Potensial di Hutan Rawa Gambut Book
Geo-hydromorphological assessment of Europe's southernmost blanket bogs Academic Article
Geronggang (Cratoxylum arborescens): Jenis Prospektif untuk dibudidayakan di Lahan Gambut Terdegradasi Presentation
Getah jelutung sebagai hasil hutan bukan kayu unggulan di lahan gambut Academic Article
Global Peatlands Initiative Presentation
Global and regional importance of the tropical peatland carbon pool Academic Article
Global carbon cycle perturbation across the Eocene-Oligocene climate transition Academic Article
Global distribution of soil organic carbon – Part 1: Masses and frequency distributions of SOC stocks for the tropics, permafrost regions, wetlands, and the world Academic Article
Global patterns and controls of soil organic carbon dynamics as simulated by multiple terrestrial biosphere models: Current status and future directions Academic Article
Global progress to tackle the climate crisis through peatland action Presentation
Governmental Initiatives for Peatland Conservation through ecotourism in the Okavango Delta, Botswana Presentation
Governmental initiatives on peatland conservation Presentation
Grazing in Arctic peatlands - An unknown agent in the global carbon budget Academic Article
Greenhouse gas emission factors for land use and land-use change in Southeast Asian peatlands Academic Article
Greenhouse gas emissions along a peat swamp forest degradation gradient in the Peruvian Amazon: soil moisture and palm roots effects Academic Article
Greenhouse gas emissions from fen soils used for forage production in northern Germany Academic Article
Ground surface microtopography and vegetation patterns in a tropical peat swamp forest Academic Article
Ground water table under different land uses Academic Article
Ground-based measurements of column-averaged carbon dioxide molar mixing ratios in a peatland fire-prone area of Central Kalimantan, Indonesia Academic Article
Groundwater in Peatland Chapter
Growth performance of three native tree species for pulpwood plantation in drained peatland of Pelalawan district, Riau Academic Article
Guidelines for inventories of tropical peatlands to facilitate their designation as Ramsar Sites
Habitat heterogeneity and connectivity shape microbial communities in South American peatlands Academic Article
Heterogeneity and attribute non-attendance in preferences for peatland conservation Academic Article
High permeability explains the vulnerability of the carbon store in drained tropical peatlands Academic Article
High-resolution digital mapping of soil organic carbon in permafrost terrain using machine learning: A case study in a sub-Arctic peatland environment Academic Article
High-resolution peat volume change in a northern peatland: Spatial variability, main drivers, and impact on ecohydrology Academic Article
Highly anomalous accumulation rates of C and N recorded by a relic, free-floating peatland in Central Italy Academic Article
How Earth observation can support monitoring wetlands and peatlands Presentation
How do hydrogeological setting and meteorological conditions influence water table depth and fluctuations in ombrotrophic peatlands? Academic Article
How do sand addition, soil moisture and nutrient status influence greenhouse gas fluxes from drained organic soils? Academic Article
How interactive simulations can improve the support of environmental management ‒ lessons from the Dutch peatlands Academic Article
How to make complexity look simple? Conveying ecosystems restoration complexity for socio-economic research and public engagement Academic Article
Human-induced changes in Indonesian peatlands increase drought severity Academic Article
Hutan Rawa Gambut dan HTI Pulp dalam Bingkai REDD+ Book
Hydrogeological controls on spatial patterns of groundwater discharge in peatlands Academic Article
Hydrological Management Practices Chapter
Hydrological and economic effects of oil palm cultivation in Indonesian peatlands Academic Article
Hydrological control of dissolved organic carbon dynamics in a rehabilitated Sphagnum-dominated peatland: A water-Table based modelling approach Academic Article
Hydrological legacy determines the type of enzyme inhibition in a peatlands chronosequence Academic Article
Hydrologically driven ecosystem processes determine the distribution and persistence of ecosystem-specialist predators under climate change Academic Article
Hydrolytic capabilities as a key to environmental success: Chitinolytic and cellulolytic acidobacteriafrom acidic sub-arctic soils and boreal peatlands Academic Article
Hydrometeorological sensitivities of net ecosystem carbon dioxide and methane exchange of an Amazonian palm swamp peatland Academic Article
Hydrophysical properties of ombrotrophic peat under drained peatlands Academic Article
INTPREP - INtegrated Tropical Peatlands REsearch Program Presentation
Ideas and perspectives: Holocene thermokarst sediments of the Yedoma permafrost region do not increase the northern peatland carbon pool Academic Article
Identifying and addressing knowledge gaps for improving greenhouse gas emissions estimates from tropical peat forest fires Academic Article
Identifying core biophysical criteria and indicators for peatland monitoring and research Presentation
Imaging tropical peatland and aquifer potential in South Sumatra using electrical resistivity tomography Academic Article
Imaging tropical peatlands in Indonesia using ground penetrating radar (GPR) and electrical resistivity imaging (ERI): implications for carbon stock estimates and peat soil characterization Academic Article
Impact of forest plantation on methane emissions from tropical peatland Academic Article
Impact of land use change on greenhouse gases emissions in peatland: A review Academic Article
Impact of natural gullies on groundwater hydrology in the Zoige peatland, China Academic Article
Impact of peatlands on carbon dioxide (CO 2 ) emissions from the Rajang River and Estuary, Malaysia Academic Article
Impact of permafrost thaw and climate warming on riverine export fluxes of carbon, nutrients and metals in Western Siberia Academic Article
Impact of soil collar insertion depth on microbial respiration measurements from tropical peat under an oil palm plantation Academic Article
Impact of trainings on knowledge, skill, behaviour and income of farmers living around peatlands: case study in Riau Province Academic Article
Impact of warming on greenhouse gas production and microbial diversity in anoxic peat from a Sphagnum-dominated bog (Grand Rapids, Minnesota, United States) Academic Article
Impacts of Mauritia flexuosa degradation on the carbon stocks of freshwater peatlands in the Pastaza-Marañón river basin of the Peruvian Amazon Academic Article
Impacts of land use, restoration, and climate change on tropical peat carbon stocks in the twenty-first century: implications for climate mitigation Academic Article
Impacts of peat bulk density, ash deposition and rainwater chemistry on establishment of peatland mosses Academic Article
Impacts of prescribed burning on Sphagnum mosses in a long-Term peatland field experiment Academic Article
Implementasi kebijakan pengendalian kebakaran hutan dan lahan di Provinsi Sumatera Selatan Academic Article
Implementing northern peatlands in a global land surface model: Description and evaluation in the ORCHIDEE high-latitude version model (ORC-HL-PEAT) Academic Article
Importance of CO2 production in subsoil layers of drained tropical peatland under mature oil palm plantation Academic Article
Improved Peatlands Potential for Agricultural Purposes to Support Sustainable Development in Bengkalis District, Riau Province, Indonesia Academic Article
InSAR time series analysis of L-band data for understanding tropical peatland degradation and restoration Academic Article
Incentives for collective action in Indonesia's peatlands Presentation
Increased deep soil respiration detected despite reduced overall respiration in permafrost peat plateaus following wildfire Academic Article
Increased peatland nutrient availability following the Fort McMurray horse River wildfire Academic Article
Indonesia achievement on conservation and sustainable peatland management Presentation
Indonesia policy on peatland protection and management Presentation
Indonesia regulation on peatland ecosystem: criteria, indicators, and monitoring system Presentation
Indonesia's Peatland Fires and Toxic Haze: media discourses across scales of governance Conference Poster
Indonesian peatland restoration: Economic indicators Presentation
Indonesian smoke aerosols from peat fires and the contribution from volcanic sulfur emissions Academic Article
Indonesia’s Efforts in battling the Climate Change Presentation
Inferring water table depth dynamics from ENVISAT-ASAR C-band backscatter over a range of peatlands from deeply-drained to natural conditions Academic Article
Influence of transboundary transport of trace elements on mountain peat geochemistry (Sudetes, Central Europe) Academic Article
Informed debate on the use of fire for peatland management means acknowledging the complexity of socio-ecological systems Academic Article
Infrastructure expansion challenges sustainable development in Papua New Guinea Academic Article
Innovative Financing for Peatland Restoration in Indonesia Chapter
Insecticidal activity of culture filtrates from liquid medium of Beauveria bassiana isolates from South Sumatra (Indonesia) wetland soil against larvae of Spodoptera litura Academic Article
Intact and managed peatland soils as a source and sink of GHGs from 1850 to 2100 Academic Article
Integrated assessment of ecosystem recovery using a multifunctionality approach Academic Article
Integrated surface-subsurface model to investigate the role of groundwater in headwater catchment runoff generation: A minimalist approach to parameterisation Academic Article
Intensive field sampling increases the known extent of carbon-rich Amazonian peatland pole forests Academic Article
Interacting effects of vegetation components and water level on methane dynamics in a boreal fen Academic Article
Interactions between labile carbon, temperature and land use regulate carbon dioxide and methane production in tropical peat Academic Article
Interactions between soil water conditions and forest stands in boreal forests with implications for ditch network maintenance Academic Article
Intermediate-scale community-level flux of CO2 and CH4 in a Minnesota peatland: putting the SPRUCE project in a global context Academic Article
Introducing global peat-specific temperature and pH calibrations based on brGDGT bacterial lipids Academic Article
Introduction - Online Webinar 2: Biophysical Attributes and Peatland Fires Presentation
Introduction: Why Criteria and Indicators? Presentation
Investigating effect of environmental controls on dynamics of CO2 budget in a subtropical estuarial marsh wetland ecosystem Academic Article
Investigating the potential use of RADARSAT-2 and UAS imagery for monitoring the restoration of Peatlands Academic Article
Investigation of the Atterberg limits and undrained fall-cone shear strength variation with water content of some peat soils Academic Article
Investigation of the climatological impacts of agricultural management and abandonment on a boreal bog in western Newfoundland, Canada Academic Article
Is 15% restoration sufficient to safeguard the habitats of boreal red-listed mire plant species? Academic Article
Is CO2 flux from oil palm plantations on peatland controlled by soil moisture and/or soil and air temperatures? Academic Article
Is Indonesian peatland loss a cautionary tale for Peru? A two-country comparison of the magnitude and causes of tropical peatland degradation Academic Article
Is flooding considered a threat in the degraded tropical peatlands? Academic Article
Isolation of peat swamp forest foliar endophyte fungi as biofertilizer Academic Article
Isotope-based partitioning of streamflow in the oil sands region, northern Alberta: Towards a monitoring strategy for assessing flow sources and water quality controls Academic Article
Issuance of green bond for sustainable development of peatlands Academic Article
Jelutung (Dyera polyphylla) agroforestry on drained peatlands
Jurisdictional approach in protecting peatland: Progress of the Terpercaya Initiative Presentation
Kajian Water Table Pada Semai Perepat (combretocarpus Rotundatus Miq Dan Jelutung (Dyera Lowii Hook) Diinokulasi Glomus SP 3 Di Tanah Gambut Academic Article
Kajian aspek lingkungan restorasi dan rehabilitasi kubah gambut Presentation
Kajian dampak penurunan daur tanaman Acacia crassicarpa A. Cunn terhadap nilai produksi dan sosial Academic Article
Kajian implementasi model restorasi ekosistem gambut berbasis masyarakat Presentation
Kajian implementasi multisistem silvikultur menuju ekosistem gambut berkelanjutan Presentation
Kajian konektivitas sistem lindung dan budidaya gambut dalam rangka pengelolaan yang berkelanjutan Presentation
Kajian model bisnis ketahanan pangan dalam mendukung pengelolaan ekosistem gambut berkelanjutan di provinsi Kalimantan Tengah Presentation
Kajian pembangunan wisata alam pada ekosistem gambut Presentation
Kajian strategi konservasi biodiversitas ekosistem gambut Presentation
Kajian strategi penerapan teknik budidaya gambut berkelanjutan oleh masyarakat Presentation
Kandungan biomassa atas permukaan pada hutan rawa gambut di Kabupaten Rokan Hilir, Provinsi Riau Academic Article
Karakteristasi Bakteri Asal Lahan Gambut Jambi dan Potensinya Sebagai Pupuk Hayati Academic Article
Karakteristik hutan rawa gambut di Tuanan dan Katunjung, Kalimantan Tengah Academic Article
Katingan Peatland Restoration and Conservation Project Presentation
Keanekaragaman hayati dan rosot karbon pada rawa-gambut di Bukit Batu, Kabupaten Bengkalis, Provinsi Riau Academic Article
Keanekaragaman makrofauna tanah pada beberapa penggunaan lahan gambut Academic Article
Kebijakan Pengurangan Emisi Gas Rumah Kaca dari Sektor Penggunaan Lahan dan Perubahan Tata Guna Lahan Kehutanan (LULUCF) Academic Article
Kebijakan moratorium pemanfaatan gambut: Potensi manfaat ekonomi dan lingkungan untuk hutan tanaman industri Academic Article
Kebijakan penguatan konservasi dan percepatan restorasi ekosistem gambut dan mangrove Presentation
Keep it cool: fixing the climate with permafrost and peatlands Presentation
Keep wetlands wet: the myth of sustainable development of tropical peatlands – implications for policies and management Academic Article
Kelayakan ekonomi kegiatan pemulihan fungsi ekosistem hutan lindung gambut Sungai Bram Itam di Kabupaten Tanjung Jabung Barat, Provinsi Jambi Academic Article
Keynote Speech: Online Workshop Series:Exploring Criteria and Indicators for Tropical Peatland Restoration Presentation
Knowledge exchange and stakeholder empowerment for peatland management in Indonesia Presentation
Konversi hutan menjadi tanaman kelapa sawit pada lahan gambut: Implikasi perubahan iklim dan kebijakan Academic Article
La vie dans l’écosystème de tourbières : cas des communautés du paysage Lac Télé dans le Bassin du Congo Presentation
Land Change Analysis from 2000 to 2004 in Peatland of Central Kalimantan, Indonesia Using GIS and an Extended Transition Matrix Chapter
Land Tenure on Peatland: A Source of Insecurity and Degradation in Riau, Sumatra Chapter
Land cover changes reduce net primary production in tropical coastal peatlands of West Kalimantan, Indonesia Academic Article
Land suitability of agricultural crops for supporting peat restoration in South Kalimantan, Indonesia Academic Article
Land-Use Changes Associated with Oil Palm Plantations Impact PLFA Microbial Phenotypic Community Structure throughout the Depth of Tropical Peats Academic Article
Large-Scale Practice on Tropical Peatland Eco-Management Chapter
Lateral carbon fluxes and CO2 outgassing from a tropical peat-draining river Academic Article
Latitudinal limits to the predicted increase of the peatland carbon sink with warming Academic Article
Leaf traits interact with management and water table to modulate ecosystem properties in fen peatlands Academic Article
Leasehold of Forest Area License (IPPKH) Presentation
Les concessions d'exploitation forestière menacent-elles les tourbières en République démocratique du Congo? [Are logging concessions a threat to the peatlands in DRC?] Academic Article
Lessons learned and commitment of forest and land fire on peatland fire management in Indonesia Presentation
Lessons learnt and best practices for the management of tropical peatlands: an intertropical dialogue Presentation
Limited release of previously-frozen C and increased new peat formation after thaw in permafrost peatlands Academic Article
Linking ecology and systematics of acidobacteria: Distinct habitat preferences of the Acidobacteriia and Blastocatellia in tundra soils Academic Article
Linking ecosystem function and hydrologic regime to inform restoration of a forested peatland Academic Article
Livelihood Strategies of Transmigrant Farmers in Peatland of Central Kalimantan Chapter
Local Community Safeguard by REDD+ and Payment for Ecosystem Services (PES) in Peatland Chapter
Local Spatial Heterogeneity of Holocene Carbon Accumulation throughout the Peat Profile of an Ombrotrophic Northern Minnesota Bog Academic Article
Local functioning, landscape structuring: Drivers of soil microbial community structure and function in peatlands Academic Article
Local institution and social cohesiveness for safeguarding peatlands Presentation
Local knowledge on landscape sustainable-hydrological management reduces soil co2 emission, fire risk and biomass loss in west Kalimantan Peatland, Indonesia Academic Article
Locating and mapping peatlands: workshop for national Presentation
Long term interferometric temporal coherence and DInSAR phase in Northern Peatlands Academic Article
Long-term carbon and nitrogen dynamics at SPRUCE revealed through stable isotopes in peat profiles Academic Article
Long-term effect of fertilization on the greenhouse gas exchange of low-productive peatland forests Academic Article
Long-term rewetting of degraded peatlands restores hydrological buffer function Academic Article
Long-term rewetting of three formerly drained peatlands drives congruent compositional changes in pro- and eukaryotic soil microbiomes through environmental filtering Academic Article
Long-wave infrared identification of smoldering peat fires in Indonesia with nighttime Landsat data Academic Article
Low genetic diversity and potential inbreeding in an isolated population of alder buckthorn (Frangula alnus) following a founder effect Academic Article
Luas petak tebang optimal pemanenan kayu di areal hutan tanaman rawa gambut Academic Article
Macroinvertebrate community assembly in pools created during peatland restoration Academic Article
Maintaining northern peatland ecosystems in a changing climate: effects of soil moisture, drainage and drain blocking on craneflies Academic Article
Management Practice and Restoration of the Peat Swamp Forest in Katingan-Mentaya, Indonesia Chapter
Management of Peatland in the Mekong River Delta of Vietnam Chapter
Managing Peatlands to Cope with Climate Change: Indonesia’s Experience Book
Managing fire risk during drought: The influence of certification and El Ninõ on fire-driven forest conversion for oil palm in Southeast Asia Academic Article
Managing peatlands in Indonesia: Challenges and opportunities for local and global communities
Mapping deep peat carbon stock from a LiDAR based DTM and field measurements, with application to eastern Sumatra Academic Article
Mapping fire: Can spatially explicit criteria and indicators be developed? Presentation
Maximum Holocene groundwater levels and associated extension of peat in the border zone of 'Het gooi' (the Netherlands): A reconstruction based on the study of soil transects Academic Article
Measurement of carbon dioxide flux from tropical peatland in Indonesia using the nocturnal temperature-inversion trap method Academic Article
Mechanisms behind species-specific water economy responses to water level drawdown in peat mosses Academic Article
Mengapa lahan gambut penting
Mengapa perkebunan di lahan gambut sering gagal Presentation
Methane emissions from tree stems in neotropical peatlands Academic Article
Methanogens and Methanotrophs Show Nutrient-Dependent Community Assemblage Patterns Across Tropical Peatlands of the Pastaza-Marañón Basin, Peruvian Amazonia Academic Article
Methylated arsenic species throughout a 4-m deep core from a free-floating peat island Academic Article
Microbial community analyses inform geochemical reaction network models for predicting pathways of greenhouse gas production Academic Article
Microbial community structure and methane cycling potential along a Thermokarst pond-peatland continuum Academic Article
Microtopographic Drivers of Vegetation Patterning in Blanket Peatlands Recovering from Erosion Academic Article
Ministerial Dialogue: 4th Meeting of the Global Peatlands Initiative Partners Presentation
Misinterpreting carbon accumulation rates in records from near-surface peat Academic Article
Mitigating wildfire carbon loss in managed northern peatlands through restoration Academic Article
Mitigation of unwanted direct and indirect land-use change – an integrated approach illustrated for palm oil, pulpwood, rubber and rice production in North and East Kalimantan, Indonesia Academic Article
Model penduga massa karbon hutan rawa gambut menggunakan citra ALOS PALSAR Academic Article
Model volume kelompok jenis pohon pada hutan rawa gambut di HUPHHK PT. Tingang Karya Mandiri, Kalimantan Tengah Academic Article
Modeling of Carbon and GHG Budgets in Tropical Peatland Chapter
Modeling relationships between water table depth and peat soil carbon loss in Southeast Asian plantations Academic Article
Modelling Holocene peatland dynamics with an individual-based dynamic vegetation model Academic Article
Modelling northern peatland area and carbon dynamics since the Holocene with the ORCHIDEE-PEAT land surface model (SVN r5488) Academic Article
Modelling past and future peatland carbon dynamics across the pan-Arctic Academic Article
Modelling past, present and future peatland carbon accumulation across the pan-Arctic region Academic Article
Moderate drop in water table increases peatland vulnerability to post-fire regime shift Academic Article
Monitoring Vegetasi di Wilayah Kerja KFCP: Tinjauan Karakteristik Hutan Rawa Gambut Book
Monitoring peatland restoration in Indonesia Presentation
Monitoring peatlands for climate impacts and benefits using ground and satellite data Presentation
Monitoring tropical peat related settlement using ISBAS InSAR, Kuala Lumpur International Airport (KLIA) Academic Article
Monitoring tropical peatlands GHG emissions: Is current scientific knowledge sufficient to identify easily measurable and reliable proxies? Presentation
More wilderness for Germany: Implementing an important objective of Germany's National Strategy on Biological Diversity Academic Article
Moving ahead: What the climate convention can do to support conservation and sustainable use of peatlands Presentation
Moving to the RADARSAT constellation mission: Comparing synthesized compact polarimetry and dual polarimetry data with fully polarimetric RADARSAT-2 data for image classification of peatlands Academic Article
Multidate, multisensor remote sensing reveals high density of carbon‐rich mountain peatlands in the páramo of Ecuador Academic Article
Mycorrhizal Fungi in Peatland Chapter
National Strategies on Responsible Management of Tropical Peatland in Malaysia Chapter
National plans and lessons learnt on restoring peatland in Indonesia: Peatland Restoration Agency’s initiatives on peatland restoration Presentation
Near-zero methane emission from an abandoned boreal peatland pasture based on eddy covariance measurements Academic Article
Neotropical peatland methane emissions along a vegetation and biogeochemical gradient Academic Article
New Approach Evaluating Peatland Fires in Indonesian Factors Academic Article
New Tropical Peatland Gas and Particulate Emissions Factors Indicate 2015 Indonesian Fires Released Far More Particulate Matter (but Less Methane) than Current Inventories Imply Academic Article
New approaches to the restoration of shallow marginal peatlands Academic Article
New map reveals more peat in the tropics
Nitrous oxide fluxes of a boreal abandoned pasture do not significantly differ from an adjacent natural bog despite distinct environmental conditions Academic Article
Nurse species and indirect facilitation through grazing drive plant community functional traits in tropical alpine peatlands Academic Article
Nutrient and trace element concentrations influence greenhouse gas emissions from Malaysian tropical peatlands Academic Article
ORCHIDEE-PEAT (revision 4596), a model for northern peatland CO2, water, and energy fluxes on daily to annual scales Academic Article
Oil palm ‘slash-and-burn’ practice increases post-fire greenhouse gas emissions and nutrient concentrations in burnt regions of an agricultural tropical peatland Academic Article
Open digital mapping as a cost-effective method for mapping peat thickness and assessing the carbon stock of tropical peatlands Academic Article
Open fires in Greenland in summer 2017: Transport, deposition and radiative effects of BC, OC and BrC emissions Academic Article
Operation of the boreal peatland methane cycle across the past 16 k.y. Academic Article
Optimasi luasan petak tebang di hutan tanaman rawa gambut berdasarkan produktivitas dan biaya Academic Article
Option for land and water management to prevent fire in peat land areas of Sumatera, Indonesia Academic Article
Out of fire disaster: dynamics of livelihood strategies of rural community on peatland use and management Academic Article
PEAT-CLSM: A Specific Treatment of Peatland Hydrology in the NASA Catchment Land Surface Model Academic Article
PEATMAP: Refining estimates of global peatland distribution based on a meta-analysis Academic Article
Paleoecological assessment of cladoceran community dynamics in two subarctic peatlands Academic Article
Palm oil expansion in tropical peatland: Distrust between advocacy and service environmental NGOs Academic Article
Paludiculture for peatland restoration in Indonesia Presentation
Paludiculture to support peatland restoration in Indonesia Presentation
Paludiculture: Business opportunities for rewetted peatlands Presentation
Paludiculture: can it be a trade-off between ecology and economic benefit on peatland restoration? Academic Article
Panduan budidaya nenas di lahan gambut
Participatory Action Research to Community-Based Fire Prevention and Peatland Restoration
Participatory multi-criteria decision analysis in valuing peatland ecosystem services—Trade-offs related to peat extraction vs. pristine peatlands in Southern Finland Academic Article
Peat Characteristics and its Impact on Oil Palm Yield Academic Article
Peat Fire Impact on Water Quality and Organic Matter in Peat Soil Chapter
Peat Fire Occurrence Chapter
Peat Mapping Chapter
Peat Properties, Dominant Vegetation Type and Microbial Community Structure in a Tropical Peatland Academic Article
Peat carbon dynamics: Consideration for effective restoration Presentation
Peat forest health analysis on LANDSAT 8 OLI / TIRS imagery using NDVI method in Kotawaringin Timur Regency Academic Article
Peat lost by fire in Kalampangan area, Central Kalimantan, Indonesia Academic Article
Peat swamp forest degradation: A comparison between Indonesia and Peru Presentation
Peat-Fire Impact on Forest Structure in Peatland of Central Kalimantan Chapter
Peatland & Permafrost: a cool relationship Presentation
Peatland Management for Sustainable Agriculture Chapter
Peatland Restoration in Central Kalimantan by Rewetting and Rehabilitation with Shorea balangeran Chapter
Peatland and Peatland Forest in Brunei Darussalam Chapter
Peatland and wetland ecosystems in Peruvian Amazonia: indigenous classifications and perspectives Academic Article
Peatland bryophyte responses to increased light from black spruce removal Academic Article
Peatland degradation reduces methanogens and methane emissions from surface to deep soils Academic Article
Peatland development and carbon dynamics since the Last Glacial Maximum in the Hengduan Mountains Region Academic Article
Peatland development and environmental change during the past 1600 years in Baijianghe Mire of Changbai Mountains, China Academic Article
Peatland ditch blocking has no effect on dissolved organic matter (DOM) quality Academic Article
Peatland ecosystem processes in the maritime antarctic during warm climates Academic Article
Peatland fire assessment: Reducing vulnerability, enhancing restoration success Presentation
Peatland fire danger rating according to weeds characteristic under Jelutung (Dyera Polyphylla) plantation Academic Article
Peatland hydrological drought and fire risk assessment in changing climate Presentation
Peatland hydrological dynamics as a driver of landscape connectivity and fire activity in the Boreal plain of Canada Academic Article
Peatland in Indonesia Chapter
Peatland in Kalimantan Chapter
Peatland in Malaysia Chapter
Peatland management for sustainability Presentation
Peatland mapping and monitoring: Recommendations and technical overview Book
Peatland restoration - role of agroforestry- by Atiek Widayati _ICRAF Presentation
Peatland restoration and emission carbon in tropical forest Presentation
Peatland vegetation change and establishment of re-introduced Sphagnum moss after prescribed burning Academic Article
Peatlands Restoration As A Potential Solution To Resolve Peatlands Damage Based On Sustainable Development Goals (SDGS) In Sungai Tohor, Indonesia Academic Article
Peatlands and Global Change: Response and Resilience Academic Article
Peatlands and Landscapes in a changing north Presentation
Peatlands and Redd+ Presentation
Peatlands and agriculture - mitigation, livelihood opportunities and incentives for developing countries Presentation
Peatlands conservation in Democratic Republic of Congo Presentation
Peatlands data and information - what we know and what we need? Presentation
Peatlands for a 1.5 Degree Future Presentation
Peatlands of the World: What, why, where and how? Presentation
Peatlands: Fires and restoration Presentation
Peatlands: Problems and solutions Presentation
Pemanfaatan beberapa bioaktivator terhadap peningkatan laju dekomposisi tanah gambut dan pertumbuhan Gmelina arborea Roxb Academic Article
Pemanfaatan jenis vegetasi hutan gambut untuk revegetasi pasca tambang batubara Academic Article
Pembelajaran Praktis: Pemantauan Terhadap Vegetasi, Pengelolaan Kebakaran, Gambut dan Hidrologi Book
Pembelajaran Praktis: Reforestasi Berbasis Masyarakat di Hutan Rawa Gambut Book
Pembelajaran dari Pencegahan Kebakaran dan Restorasi Gambut Berbasis Masyarakat Book
Pembelajaran dari pencegahan kebakaran dan restorasi gambut berbasis masyarakat Presentation
Pemberian Amelioran pupuk kandang ayam pada penggunaan lahan gambut yang berbeda terhadap emisi CO2 Academic Article
Pemulihan Ekosistem Gambut untuk Provinsi Sumatera Selatan yang Sejahtera - Rencana Restorasi Ekosistem Gambut Sumatera Selatan Book
Pemulihan Ekosistem Gambut untuk Provinsi Sumatera Selatan yang Sejahtera: Rencana Restorasi Ekosistem Gambut Sumatera Selatan 2017-2020
Pendugaan Emisi Gas Rumah Kaca Tahunan dari Hutan dan Lahan Gambut di Kalimantan Tengah Book
Penerapan Ril guna meningkatkan produktivitas dan meminimalkan biaya penyaradan di hutan tanaman rawa gambut Academic Article
Penetapan pola rehabilitasi pemulihan fungsi ekosistem hutan lindung gambut Sungai Bram Itam di Babupaten Tanjung Jabung Barat, Provinsi Jambi Academic Article
Pengelolaan Lahan Gambut Tanpa Bakar Presentation
Pengelolaan Lapangan Zamrud di Riau Presentation
Pengelolaan lahan basah (mangrove dan gambut) Presentation
Pengelolaan lahan gambut di kawasan hutan lindung Liang Anggang oleh Masyarakat Peduli Gambut (MPG) Sukamaju, Kalimantan Selatan Academic Article
Peningkatan produktivitas pemanenan kayu melalui teknik pemanenan kayu ramah lingkungan: Kasus di satu perusahaan hutan rawa gambut di Kalimantan Barat Academic Article
Penyederhanaan sistem silvikultur TPTI di Hutan Alam Rawa Gambut Labuan Tangga, Kabupaten Rokan Hilir, Riau Academic Article
Penyiapan lahan tanpa bakar untuk pencegahan kebakaran lahan dan hutan Presentation
Penyusunan Dokumen Rencana Kerja Pelaksanaan Kegiatan Restorasi dan Rehabilitasi Hutan Gambut Presentation
Peran parapihak dalam pemanfaatan lahan gambut; studi kasus di Kabupaten Ogan Komering Ilir, Sumatera Selatan Academic Article
Perbandingan karakteristik bahan baku dan pulp Krasikarpa (Acacia crassicarpa A. Cunn) umur 1 sampai 4 tahun Academic Article
Perceptions across scales of governance and the Indonesian peatland fires Academic Article
Performance of the selected main tree of liberoid coffe in the peatland of Meranti Island, Riau Academic Article
Permafrost thaw with thermokarst wetland-lake and societal-health risks: Dependence on local soil conditions under large-scalewarming Academic Article
Persamaan Allometrik Untuk Menduga Kandungan Karbon Jenis Meranti (Shorea Teysmaniana) Di Hutan Alam Rawa Gambut Kalimantan Tengah Academic Article
Persamaan alometrik dan cadangan karbon vegetasi pada hutan gambut primer dan bekas terbakar Academic Article
Persistent carbon sink at a boreal drained bog forest Academic Article
Perubahan kandungan karbon dan nilai ekonominya pada konversi hutan rawa gambut menjadi hutan tanaman industri pulp Academic Article
Petroleum exploration increases methane emissions from northern peatlands Academic Article
Photosynthesis, growth, and decay traits in Sphagnum - a multispecies comparison Academic Article
Phylogenetic or environmental control on the elemental and organo-chemical composition of Sphagnum mosses? Academic Article
Plant Growth-Promoting Rhizobacteria (PGPR) and Compost Materials for AeroHydro Culture Chapter
Polarimetric synthetic aperture radar application for tropical peatlands classification: A case study in Siak River Transect, Riau Province, Indonesia Academic Article
Political economy and community characteristics for fire prevention and peatland restoration Presentation
Pore water velocity and ionic strength effects on DOC release from peat-sand mixtures: Results from laboratory and field experiments Academic Article
Pore-scale controls on hydrological and geochemical processes in peat: Implications on interacting processes Academic Article
Potensi daya tarik ekowisata Suaka Margasatwa Bukit Batu Kabupaten Bengkalis Provinsi Riau Academic Article
Potensi tunggak Acacia Crassicarpa dan ekonomi pemanfaatan sebagai bahan baku arang Academic Article
Potensi, permasalahan dan kebijakan yang diperlukan dalam pengelolaan hutan dan lahan rawa gambut secara lestari Academic Article
Potential for negative emissions of greenhouse gases (CO2, CH4 and N2O) through coastal peatland re-establishment: Novel insights from high frequency flux data at meter and kilometer scales Academic Article
Precipitation-fire linkages in Indonesia (1997-2015) Academic Article
Prediksi neraca air berbagai topologi lahan gambut di areal KHDTK Tumbang Nusa Presentation
Prescribed burning, atmospheric pollution and grazing effects on peatland vegetation composition Academic Article
Principles and good practice in indicator selection - experiences from the biodiversity sector Presentation
Principles of AeroHydro Culture Chapter
Principles of Eco-Management in a Large-Scale Ecosystem of Tropical Peatland Chapter
Principles of Hydrological Management of Tropical Peatland Chapter
Produktivitas dan biaya penyaradan kayu di Hutan Tanaman Rawa Gambut: Studi kasus di salah satu perusahaan hutan Di Riau Academic Article
Progress of paludiculture projects in supporting peatland ecosystem restoration in Indonesia Academic Article
Promising native tree species for reforestation of degraded tropical peatlands Academic Article
Propuesta metodológica para el estudio de macrorrestos de briofitas en turberas Academic Article
Prospek Paludikultur Ekosistem Gambut Indonesia Book
Protection and management of peatland ecosystem Presentation
Protocols for the measurement, monitoring, and reporting of structure, biomass, carbon stocks and greenhouse gas emissions in tropical peat swamp forests Conference Paper
Préservation des tourbières et Securité Alimentaire Presentation
Pyrogenic Carbon Contributes Substantially to Carbon Storage in Intact and Degraded Northern Peatlands Academic Article
Quantification of Peat Thickness and Stored Carbon at the Landscape Scale in Tropical Peatlands: A Comparison of Airborne Geophysics and an Empirical Topographic Method Academic Article
Quantifying tropical peatland dissolved organic carbon (DOC) using UV-visible spectroscopy Academic Article
Quantitative analysis of self-organized patterns in ombrotrophic peatlands Academic Article
Radiocarbon analysis reveals that vegetation facilitates the release of old methane in a temperate raised bog Academic Article
Rapid peat accumulation favours the occurrence of both fen and bog microbial communities within a Mediterranean, free-floating peat island Academic Article
Rates and spatial variability of peat subsidence in Acacia plantation and forest landscapes in Sumatra, Indonesia Academic Article
Recent notions on peatland restoration for identification of robust indicators Presentation
Reconstruction of a coastal raised bog development in the proximal part of the Curonian Spit, Kaliningrad Region, Russia, South-Eastern Baltic Academic Article
Reconstruction of atmospheric lead and heavy metal pollution in the Otrębowskie Brzegi peatland (S Poland) Academic Article
Recovery of plant communities after ecological restoration of forestry-drained peatlands Academic Article
Reducing CO2 emissions and supporting food security in Central Kalimantan, Indonesia, with improved peatland management Academic Article
Reference Level for the Estimation of Emission Reduction from Peatland Restoration
Regenerasi Tunas Adventif Dari Eksplan Daun Tembesu (Fagraea Fragrans Roxb.) Melalui Teknik Kultur Jaringan Academic Article
Regenerasi alami hutan rawa gambut terbakar dan lahan gambut terbakar di tumbang nusa, kalimantan tengah dan implikasinya terhadap konservasi Academic Article
Regulatory and policy measures to support peatland restoration Presentation
Relationship between fire and forest cover loss in Riau Province, Indonesia between 2001 and 2012 Academic Article
Relationships between low-temperature fires, climate and vegetation during three late glacials and interglacials of the last 430 kyr in northeastern Siberia reconstructed from monosaccharide anhydrides in Lake El'gygytgyn sediments Academic Article
Rendering a land tenure and conflict resolutions: A case study in West Kalimantan Presentation
Representing northern peatland microtopography and hydrology within the Community Land Model Academic Article
Rereading a tree-ring database to illustrate depositional histories of subfossil trees Academic Article
Research milestone on criteria & indicators toward permanent restoration of Indonesia's peatlands Presentation
Respiration of aged soil carbon during fall in permafrost peatlands enhanced by active layer deepening following wildfire but limited following thermokarst Academic Article
Response of testate amoebae to a late Holocene ecosystem shift in an Amazonian peatland Academic Article
Responses to the 2010 La Nina event in the degraded peatlands of Central Kalimantan Presentation
Restorasi kesatuan hidrologis gambut Presentation
Restoration and management of peatlands – A holistic perspective Presentation
Restoration of blanket peat moorland delays stormflow from hillslopes and reduces peak discharge Academic Article
Restoration of blanket peat moorland delays stormflow from hillslopes and reduces peak discharge Academic Article
Restoring Peat Ecosystem for a Prosperous South Sumatra
Restoring peatland, empowering villages: An urgency of collective action Presentation
Revitalisasi mata pencaharian di lahan gambut: Kerajinan anyaman dari Purun sebagai salah satu bentuk usaha berkelanjutan di Kabupaten Ogan Komering Ilir (OKI), Sumatera Selatan Academic Article
Rewetting Offers Rapid Climate Benefits for Tropical and Agricultural Peatlands But Not for Forestry-Drained Peatlands Academic Article
Rewetting degraded peatlands for climate and biodiversity benefits: Results from two raised bogs Academic Article
Rewetting design for tropical peatland restoration Academic Article
Rewetting former agricultural peatlands: Topsoil removal as a prerequisite to avoid strong nutrient and greenhouse gas emissions Academic Article
Rewetting peatlands to restore integrity across landscapes: Peatland hydrological balance Presentation
Rewilding in the face of climate change Academic Article
Riset aksi partisipatif untuk pencegahan kebakaran dan restorasi gambut berbasis masyarakat: Model bisnis, sekat kanal dan sistem pemantauan partisipatif Presentation
Riverine particulate C and N generated at the permafrost thaw front: Case study of western Siberian rivers across a 1700 km latitudinal transect Academic Article
Role of morphological structure and layering of Sphagnum and Tomenthypnum mosses on moss productivity and evaporation rates [Influence de la morphologie et de la superposition des couches de mousses de type Sphagnum et Tomenthypnum sur la productivité de la plante et le taux d’évaporation] Academic Article
Role of private sector in supporting community initiative towards peatland protection and restoration Presentation
Role of the Roundtable on Sustainable Palm Oil (RSPO) in Tropical Peatland Management Chapter
Root exudate analogues accelerate CO2 and CH4 production in tropical peat Academic Article
Root oxygen mitigates methane fluxes in tropical peatlands Academic Article
Root- and peat-based CO2 emissions from oil palm plantations Academic Article
Root-derived CO2 flux from a tropical peatland Academic Article
Rural Development and Local Governance: Key Factors to Promote Peatland Restoration Presentation
Rural settlements on peatlands in moscow region: Impact of economic activities and climate changes on quality of life Academic Article
SOC stock changes and greenhouse gas emissions following tropical land use conversions to plantation crops on mineral soils, with a special focus on oil palm and rubber plantations Academic Article
Sago Palm Practice as Natural AeroHydro Culture Chapter
Sago Palm in Peatland Chapter
Satellite soil moisture observations predict burned area in Southeast Asian peatlands Academic Article
Scalar Simulation and Parameterization of Water Table Dynamics in Tropical Peatlands Academic Article
Scale and watershed features determine lake chemistry patterns across physiographic regions in the far north of Ontario, Canada Academic Article
Scaling functional traits to ecosystem processes: Towards a mechanistic understanding in peat mosses Academic Article
Scenarios for withdrawal of oil palm plantations from peatlands in Jambi Province, Sumatra, Indonesia Academic Article
Seasonal and inter-annual variation in the chlorophyll content of three co-existing Sphagnum species exceeds the effect of solar UV reduction in a subarctic peatland Academic Article
Seasonal shifts in export of DOC and nutrients from burned and unburned peatland-rich catchments, Northwest Territories, Canada Academic Article
Seasonal variability in methane and nitrous oxide fluxes from tropical peatlands in the western Amazon basin Academic Article
Sebaran dan Tipe Aset di Wilayah Kerja KFCP : Hubungan dengan sejarah kebakaran dan kedalaman gambut Book
Sediment deposition from eroding peatlands alters headwater invertebrate biodiversity Academic Article
Seed storage behaviour of eight peatland pool specialists: Implications for restoration Academic Article
Seismic lines in the boreal and arctic ecosystems of North America: Environmental impacts, challenges, and opportunities Academic Article
Serapan karbon Hutan Tanaman Krasikarpa pada lahan basah di Kabupatan Ogan Komering Ilir Sumatera Selatan Academic Article
Severe wildfire exposes remnant peat carbon stocks to increased post-fire drying Academic Article
Shifts in mercury methylation across a peatland chronosequence: From sulfate reduction to methanogenesis and syntrophy Academic Article
Short term effects of salinization on compound release from drained and restored coastalwetlands Academic Article
Short-distance distribution patterns of testate amoebae in an Arctic ice-wedge polygon mire (Berelekh-Indigirka lowlands, NE Siberia) Academic Article
Show Windows and Lessons Learned from Peatland Restoration in Indonesia Chapter
Shrubs and Degraded Permafrost Pave the Way for Tree Establishment in Subarctic Peatlands Academic Article
Sibbald Research Wetland: Mountain peatland form and ecohydrologic function as influenced by beaver Academic Article
Simulating the long-term impacts of drainage and restoration on the ecohydrology of peatlands Academic Article
Singapore's willingness to pay for mitigation of transboundary forest-fire haze from Indonesia Academic Article
Sintesis Hasil Litbang: Pengelolaan Hutan Rawa Gambut Book
Sistem Agroforestri Berbasis Jelutung Rawa Untuk Memulihkan Lahan Gambut Terdegradasi Book
Smallholder perceptions of land restoration activities: rewetting tropical peatland oil palm areas in Sumatra, Indonesia Academic Article
Smoke on water – Countering global threats from peatland loss and degradation Presentation
Smoke on water – Countering global threats from peatland loss and degradation, Mapping Peatlands in Sweden Presentation
Smoke on water: Countering global threats from peatland loss and degradation Book
Smoke radiocarbon measurements from Indonesian fires provide evidence for burning of millennia-aged peat Academic Article
Social Mapping of Access to Peat Swamp Forest and Peatland Resources Book
Social and economic issues of tropical peatlands Presentation
Social connections for successful restoration interventions Presentation
Soil Carbon and Nitrogen Dynamics in a Tropical Peatland Chapter
Soil carbon dioxide emissions due to oxidative peat decomposition in an oil palm plantation on tropical peat Academic Article
Soil carbon dioxide emissions from a rubber plantation on tropical peat Academic Article
Soil degradation determines release of nitrous oxide and dissolved organic carbon from peatlands Academic Article
Soil nitrogen determines greenhouse gas emissions from northern peatlands under concurrent warming and vegetation shifting Academic Article
Soil organic matter characteristics in drained and rewetted peatlands of northern Germany: Chemical and spectroscopic analyses Academic Article
Soil organic matter stoichiometry as indicator for peatland degradation Academic Article
Soil physicochemical and ethnobiological studies on the peat swamp forests of Southern Papua, Indonesia Academic Article
Solutions – Moving Ahead Creating a market to finance peatlands restoration in Kalimantan, Indonesia Presentation
Sources of anthropogenic fire ignitions on the peat-swamp landscape in Kalimantan, Indonesia Academic Article
Spatial and temporal variability of soil N2O and CH4 fluxes along a degradation gradient in a palm swamp peat forest in the Peruvian Amazon Academic Article
Spatial modeling of the threat of damage to the peatland ecosystem in the mainland of Bengkalis Regency, Riau Province Academic Article
Spatial models with covariates improve estimates of peat depth in blanket peatlands Academic Article
Spatial variability of organic matter properties determines methane fluxes in a tropical forested peatland Academic Article
Spatial variations in the surface water chemistry of subtropical peatlands (central China) linked to anthropogenic pressures Academic Article
Spatially-integrated estimates of net ecosystem exchange and methane fluxes from Canadian peatlands Academic Article
Spatio-Temporal Variability of Peat CH4 and N2O Fluxes and Their Contribution to Peat GHG Budgets in Indonesian Forests and Oil Palm Plantations Academic Article
Sphagnum physiology in the context of changing climate: Emergent influences of genomics, modelling and host-microbiome interactions on understanding ecosystem function Academic Article
Sphagnum-dominated bog systems are highly effective yet variable sources of bio-available iron to marine waters Academic Article
Stability of peatland carbon to rising temperatures Academic Article
Stocks and fluxes of carbon associated with land use change in Southeast Asian tropical peatlands: A review Academic Article
Strengthening local institution to improve social cohesiveness Presentation
Strengthening peatland restoration and management governance in Indonesia Presentation
Strict liability: A solution to hold peatland destroyers accountable Academic Article
Structure of peat soils and implications for water storage, flow and solute transport: A review update for geochemists Academic Article
Studi Ekologi Tumbuhan Sagu (Metroxylon spp) dalam Komunitas Alami di Pulau Seram, Maluku Academic Article
Studi komparasi aplikasi penebangan ramah lingkungan di Riau dan Jambi Academic Article
Studi sumber penyebab terjadinya kebakaran dan respon masyarakat dalam rangka pengendalian kebakaran hutan gambut di areal Mawas Kalimantan Tengah Academic Article
Sub-annual fluorescence measurements of coral skeleton: relationship between skeletal luminescence and terrestrial humic-like substances Academic Article
Sub-marine Continuation of Peat Deposits From a Coastal Peatland in the Southern Baltic Sea and its Holocene Development Academic Article
Subsidence and carbon dioxide emissions in a smallholder peatland mosaic in Sumatra, Indonesia Academic Article
Subsidence and carbon loss in drained tropical peatlands Academic Article
Subtle shifts in microbial communities occur alongside the release of carbon induced by drought and rewetting in contrasting peatland ecosystems Academic Article
Suspend new permits on primary natural forests and peatlands, and One Map Policy for peatlands Presentation
Sustainability status of technology application on rice farming in peatlands (case study at Kanamit Jaya village, Central Kalimantan) Academic Article
Sustainable Management Model for Peatland Ecosystems in the Riau, Sumatra Chapter
Sustainable Management of Peatland in Thailand Chapter
Sustainable Peatland Management Focusing on Community-Based Peatland Rehabilitation in Malaysia Chapter
Synchronous growth releases in peatland pine chronologies as an indicator for regional climate dynamics-a multi-site study including estonia, Belarus and Sweden Academic Article
Synergistic use of peat and charred material in growing media–an option to reduce the pressure on peatlands? Academic Article
Tantangan dalam pengelolaan ekosistem gambut di Indonesia Presentation
Tantangan dalam pengelolaan ekosistem mangrove di Indonesia Presentation
Techniques for inventory and mapping of peatland ecosystem Presentation
Temperature response of ex-situ greenhouse gas emissions from tropical peatlands: Interactions between forest type and peat moisture conditions Academic Article
Testate Amoeba Species- and Trait-Based Transfer Functions for Reconstruction of Hydrological Regime in Tropical Peatland of Central Sumatra, Indonesia Academic Article
Testing peatland water-table depth transfer functions using high-resolution hydrological monitoring data Academic Article
Testing the relationship between testate amoeba community composition and environmental variables in a coastal tropical peatland Academic Article
The 5.2 ka climate event: Evidence from stable isotope and multi-proxy palaeoecological peatland records in Ireland Academic Article
The Effect of Fire and Rewetting on the Groundwater Level in Tropical Peatlands Chapter
The Falkland Islands’ palaeoecological response to millennial-scale climate perturbations during the Pleistocene–Holocene transition: Implications for future vegetation stability in the southern ocean islands Academic Article
The Integrated Peatland Management System (IPMS) Academic Article
The International Tropical Peatlands Center (ITPC): Objectives and Progress Presentation
The Potential Hidden Age of Dissolved Organic Carbon Exported by Peatland Streams Academic Article
The Potential for REDD+ in Peatland of Central Kalimantan, Indonesia Chapter
The Role of Mycorrhizal Fungi for Supporting AeroHydro Culture in Tropical Peatland Chapter
The Role of Peatlands and Their Carbon Storage Function in the Context of Climate Change Chapter
The Transnationalisation of Competing State Projects: Carbon Offsetting and Development in Sumatra's Coastal Peat Swamps Academic Article
The capacity of northern peatlands for long-term carbon sequestration Academic Article
The case of conflicting Finnish peatland management – Skewed representation of nature, participation and policy instruments Academic Article
The development of Hani peatland in the Changbai mountains (NE China) and its response to the variations of the East Asian summer monsoon Academic Article
The diversity of geomorphological features of peatland basins in central Poland and its paleoecological significance - A review Academic Article
The economics of peatland restoration Academic Article
The effect of remnant forest on insect successional response in tropical fire impacted peatland: A Bi-Taxa comparison Academic Article
The effect of timber harvesting on fluctuation of peat water level and subsidence of peat-soil surface Academic Article
The effectiveness of the implementation of Presidential Instruction (INPRES) no. 5/2019 in eradicating the peatland fires in the Kalimantan Region Academic Article
The effects of drainage and restoration of pine mires on habitat structure, vegetation and ants Academic Article
The effects of forest clearance for peatland restoration on water quality Academic Article
The growth performance of micropropagated Talasbanana (Musa paradisiaca var. sapientum L) seedlings cultivated on peatlands Academic Article
The impact of Indonesia capital relocation to Kalimantan peatland restoration Academic Article
The influence of climate on peatland extent in Western Siberia since the Last Glacial Maximum Academic Article
The influence of land-cover changes on the variability of saturated hydraulic conductivity in tropical peatlands Academic Article
The institutional fit of peatland governance in Indonesia Academic Article
The landscape setting of bog bodies: Interdisciplinary research into the site location of Yde Girl, The Netherlands Academic Article
The linkage of El Niño-induced peat fires and its relation to current haze condition in Central Kalimantan Academic Article
The long-term fate of permafrost peatlands under rapid climate warming Academic Article
The oldest extant tropical peatland in the world: a major carbon reservoir for at least 47 000 years Academic Article
The potential for modelling peatland habitat condition in Scotland using long-term MODIS data Academic Article
The response of soil respiration to climatic drivers in undrained forest and drained oil palm plantations in an Indonesian peatland Academic Article
The role of Phragmites in the CH4 and CO2 fluxes in a minerotrophic peatland in southwest Germany Academic Article
The role of fire in UK peatland and moorland management: The need for informed, unbiased debate Academic Article
The role of local governance towards facilitating sustainable peatland management/restoration Presentation
The role of social capital of Riau women farmer groups in building collective action for tropical peatland restoration Academic Article
The underappreciated potential of peatlands in global climate change mitigation strategies /704/47/4113 /704/106/47 article Academic Article
Threats to intact tropical peatlands and opportunities for their conservation Academic Article
Tingkat Kerawanan Kebakaran Gambut Di Kabupaten Musi Banyuasin, Sumatera Selatan Academic Article
To treat or not to treat? The seedling performance of native tree species for reforestation on degraded tropical peatlands of SE Asia Academic Article
Total and heterotrophic soil respiration in a swamp forest and oil palm plantations on peat in Central Kalimantan, Indonesia Academic Article
Towards a Holarctic synthesis of peatland testate amoeba ecology: Development of a new continental-scale palaeohydrological transfer function for North America and comparison to European data Academic Article
Towards a new paradigm for conservation and sustainable management of peatlands in Peru Presentation
Towards an improved understanding of greenhouse gas emissions and fluxes in tropical peatlands of Southeast Asia Academic Article
Towards better use of Indonesian peatlands with paludiculture and low-drainage food crops Academic Article
Towards sustainable management of Indonesian tropical peatlands Academic Article
Trajectories of ecosystem change in restored blanket peatlands Academic Article
Trees of tropical peatland forest influence on variability of water and carbon input through stemflow Academic Article
Tropical Peat Formation Chapter
Tropical Peat and Peatland Definition in Indonesia Chapter
Tropical Peatland Eco-management Book
Tropical Peatland Ecosystems Book
Tropical Peatland Forestry: Toward Forest Restoration and Sustainable Use of Wood Resources in Degraded Peatland Chapter
Tropical Peatland Restoration in Indonesia by Replanting with Useful Indigenous Peat Swamp Species: Paludiculture Chapter
Tropical Peatland of the World Chapter
Tropical forest and peatland conservation in Indonesia: Challenges and directions Academic Article
Tropical peat and peatland development in the floodplains of the Greater Pamba Basin, South-western India during the Holocene Academic Article
Tropical peatlands and their conservation are important in the context of COVID-19 and potential future (zoonotic) disease pandemics Academic Article
Tropical peatlands under siege: The need for evidence-based policies and strategies: Special Issue Academic Article
Ultrahigh-resolution mapping of peatland microform using ground-based structure from motion with multiview stereo Academic Article
Understanding Jelutung (Dyera polyphylla) value chains for the promotion in peatland restoration and sustainable peatland management in Indonesia
Understanding how to better scale-up fire prevention behaviour in Indonesia Presentation
Understanding the Impacts of Recurrent Peat Fires in Padang Island – Riau Province, Indonesia Academic Article
Unraveling past impacts of climate change and land management on historic peatland development using proxy-based reconstruction, monitoring data and process modeling Academic Article
Unraveling the Importance of Polyphenols for Microbial Carbon Mineralization in Rewetted Riparian Peatlands Academic Article
Unrelenting games: Multiple negotiations and landscape transformations in the tropical peatlands of Central Kalimantan, Indonesia Academic Article
Untargeted metabolomic profiling of Sphagnum fallax reveals novel antimicrobial metabolites Academic Article
Utilization of peat ecosystem for community welfare Presentation
Valuing water quality improvements from peatland restoration: Evidence and challenges Academic Article
Variability of cation-exchange capacity (CEC) of fen peats in vertical profiles from eastern and central poland in relation to function of Peatlands as natural geological barriers Academic Article
Variable carbon losses from recurrent fires in drained tropical peatlands Academic Article
Variation in symbiotic N2 fixation rates among Sphagnum mosses Academic Article
Variation in the Soil Prokaryotic Community Under Simulated Warming and Rainfall Reduction in Different Water Table Peatlands of the Zoige Plateau Academic Article
Vegetation changes in temperate ombrotrophic peatlands over a 35 year period Academic Article
Vegetation management with fire modifies peatland soil thermal regime Academic Article
Vegetation matters: Correcting chamber carbon flux measurements using plant volumes Academic Article
Viabilitas fungi Penicillium citrinum pada media pembawa yang berbeda sebagai pupuk hayati Academic Article
Visualizing the spatiotemporal trends of thermal characteristics in a peatland plantation forest in Indonesia: Pilot test using unmanned aerial systems (UASs) Academic Article
Vulnerability of the peatland carbon sink to sea-level rise Academic Article
Wading through the swamp: what does tropical peatland restoration mean to national-level stakeholders in Indonesia? Academic Article
Warmer spring conditions increase annual methane emissions from a boreal peat landscape with sporadic permafrost Academic Article
Water balance of peatland hydrological unit (PHU) Presentation
Way forward on criteria and indicators towards permanent restoration of Indonesia’s peatlands Presentation
Weakening of the ‘enzymatic latch’ mechanism following long-term fertilization in a minerotrophic peatland Academic Article
Weather radar detection of planetary boundary layer and smoke layer top of peatland fire in Central Kalimantan, Indonesia Academic Article
Welcome Slide: Getting climate results by bringing peatlands science to policy through South-South & Triangular Cooperation Presentation
What do we know about Peruvian peatlands? Conference Paper
Which forests could be protected by corporate zero deforestation commitments? A spatial assessment Academic Article
Why peatlands matter
Why peatlands matter in the battle against climate change? Presentation
Widespread Biological Response to Rapid Warming on the Antarctic Peninsula Academic Article
Widespread global peatland establishment and persistence over the last 130,000 y Academic Article
Wildfire as a major driver of recent permafrost thaw in boreal peatlands Academic Article
Wildfire overrides hydrological controls on boreal peatland methane emissions Academic Article
Wildfire smoke impacts activity and energetics of wild Bornean orangutans Academic Article
Will CO2 Emissions from Drained Tropical Peatlands Decline Over Time? Links Between Soil Organic Matter Quality, Nutrients, and C Mineralization Rates Academic Article
Wind farm development on peatlands increases fluvial macronutrient loading Academic Article
Zeolites and Aggregate-Stabilizing Microbes for Reducing the Degradation and Carbon Emissions in Tropical Peatlands Chapter
Zero to moderate methane emissions in a densely rooted, pristine Patagonian bog - Biogeochemical controls as revealed from isotopic evidence Academic Article
¿Qué sabemos sobre las turberas peruanas? Conference Paper