ecosystem management
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subject area of
A multi-adaptive framework for the crop choice in paludicultural cropping systems Academic Article
Agroforestry Berbasis Jelutung Rawa : Solusi Sosial, Ekonomi, dan Lingkungan Pengelolaan Lahan Gambut Book
Analisis spasial tingkat kerusakan kawasan Suaka Margasatwa Padang Sugihan Sumatera Selatan Academic Article
Basic Information About Tropical Peatland Ecosystems Chapter
Case Study on Community-Based Water Management in Tropical Peatland Chapter
Coexistence of Humans and Nature in Tropical Peatlands Chapter
Community management of peatland: Participatory action research for community-based peatland restoration Presentation
Desain Center of Excellent (CoE): Pengelolaan gambut tropis Presentation
Dinamika pengelolaan mangrove di daerah: kondisi, tantangan dan peluang Presentation
Diverse fen plant communities enhance carbon-related multifunctionality, but do not mitigate negative effects of drought Academic Article
Ecosystem restoration study & assistance: P3SEKPI and APP contribution for climate action Presentation
Effective monitoring and management of peatland restoration Conference Paper
Ekosistem Gambut Lestari UntukSumatera Selatan Sejahtera: Ringkasan informasi, data dan analisa sementara terhadap ekosistem gambut di Provinsi Sumatera Selatan
Emissions of methane from northern peatlands: a review of management impacts and implications for future management options Academic Article
Evaluation of Eco-Management of Tropical Peatlands Chapter
Forest Structure and Productivity of Tropical Heath and Peatland Forests Chapter
Hydrological Management Practices Chapter
Kajian implementasi multisistem silvikultur menuju ekosistem gambut berkelanjutan Presentation
Kajian konektivitas sistem lindung dan budidaya gambut dalam rangka pengelolaan yang berkelanjutan Presentation
Kajian model bisnis ketahanan pangan dalam mendukung pengelolaan ekosistem gambut berkelanjutan di provinsi Kalimantan Tengah Presentation
Kajian pembangunan wisata alam pada ekosistem gambut Presentation
Kajian strategi penerapan teknik budidaya gambut berkelanjutan oleh masyarakat Presentation
Kebijakan penguatan konservasi dan percepatan restorasi ekosistem gambut dan mangrove Presentation
La vie dans l’écosystème de tourbières : cas des communautés du paysage Lac Télé dans le Bassin du Congo Presentation
Large-Scale Practice on Tropical Peatland Eco-Management Chapter
Leaf traits interact with management and water table to modulate ecosystem properties in fen peatlands Academic Article
Management Practice and Restoration of the Peat Swamp Forest in Katingan-Mentaya, Indonesia Chapter
Management of Peatland in the Mekong River Delta of Vietnam Chapter
Mitigating wildfire carbon loss in managed northern peatlands through restoration Academic Article
National Strategies on Responsible Management of Tropical Peatland in Malaysia Chapter
Natural Capital-Based Societies in the Tropics Chapter
New approaches to the restoration of shallow marginal peatlands Academic Article
Peatland Management for Sustainable Agriculture Chapter
Peatland and wetland ecosystems in Peruvian Amazonia: indigenous classifications and perspectives Academic Article
Peatland in Kalimantan Chapter
Peatland management for sustainability Presentation
Peatlands conservation in Democratic Republic of Congo Presentation
Peatlands data and information - what we know and what we need? Presentation
Pemanfaatan jenis vegetasi hutan gambut untuk revegetasi pasca tambang batubara Academic Article
Pemulihan Ekosistem Gambut untuk Provinsi Sumatera Selatan yang Sejahtera - Rencana Restorasi Ekosistem Gambut Sumatera Selatan Book
Pemulihan Ekosistem Gambut untuk Provinsi Sumatera Selatan yang Sejahtera: Rencana Restorasi Ekosistem Gambut Sumatera Selatan 2017-2020
Pengelolaan lahan basah (mangrove dan gambut) Presentation
Potensi, permasalahan dan kebijakan yang diperlukan dalam pengelolaan hutan dan lahan rawa gambut secara lestari Academic Article
Principles of Eco-Management in a Large-Scale Ecosystem of Tropical Peatland Chapter
Principles of Hydrological Management of Tropical Peatland Chapter
Progress of paludiculture projects in supporting peatland ecosystem restoration in Indonesia Academic Article
Prospek Paludikultur Ekosistem Gambut Indonesia Book
Role of the Roundtable on Sustainable Palm Oil (RSPO) in Tropical Peatland Management Chapter
Sintesis Hasil Litbang: Pengelolaan Hutan Rawa Gambut Book
Spatial modeling of the threat of damage to the peatland ecosystem in the mainland of Bengkalis Regency, Riau Province Academic Article
Studi Ekologi Tumbuhan Sagu (Metroxylon spp) dalam Komunitas Alami di Pulau Seram, Maluku Academic Article
Sustainable Management Model for Peatland Ecosystems in the Riau, Sumatra Chapter
Sustainable Management of Peatland in Thailand Chapter
Tantangan dalam pengelolaan ekosistem gambut di Indonesia Presentation
Tantangan dalam pengelolaan ekosistem mangrove di Indonesia Presentation
The Integrated Peatland Management System (IPMS) Academic Article
The effect of remnant forest on insect successional response in tropical fire impacted peatland: A Bi-Taxa comparison Academic Article
Towards a new paradigm for conservation and sustainable management of peatlands in Peru Presentation
Tropical Peatland Eco-management Book
Tropical Peatland Ecosystems Book
Tropical peat and peatland development in the floodplains of the Greater Pamba Basin, South-western India during the Holocene Academic Article