
Denial of long-term issues with agriculture on tropical peatlands will have devastating consequences

The first International Peat Congress (IPC) held in the tropics - in Kuching (Malaysia) - brought together over 1000 international peatland scientists and industrial partners from across the world ("International Peat Congress with over 1000 participants!," 2016). The congress covered all aspects of peatland ecosystems and their management, with a strong focus on the environmental, societal and economic challenges associated with contemporary large-scale agricultural conversion of tropical peat.
  • Authors: Wijedasa, L.S., Jauhiainen, J., Könönen, M., Lampela, M., Vasander, H., LeBlanc, M-C., Evers, S., Smith, T.E.L., Yule, C.M., Varkkey, H., Lupascu, M., Parish, F., Singleton, I., Clements, G.R., Aziz, S.A., Harrison, M.E., Cheyne, S., Anshari, G.Z., Meijaard, E., Goldstein, J.E., Waldron, S., Hergoualc'h, K., Dommain, R., Frolking, S., Evans, C.D., Posa, M.R.C., Glaser, P.H., Suryadiputra, N., Lubis, R., Santika, T., Padfield, R., Kurnianto, S., Hadisiswoyo, P., Lim, T.W., Page, S.E., Gauci, V., van der Meer, P.J., Buckland, H., Garnier, F., Samuel, M.K., Kim Choo, L.N.L., O'Reilly, P, Warren, M., Suksuwan, S., Sumarga, E., Jain, A., Laurance, W.F., Couwenberg, J., Joosten, H., Vernimmen, R., Hooijer, A., Malins, C., Cochrane, M.A., Perumal, B., Siegert, F., Peh, K.S.-H., Comeau, L.-P., Verchot, L.V., Harvey, C.F., Cobb, A., Jaafar, Z., Wösten, H., Manuri, S., Müller, M., Giesen, W., Phelps, J., Ding, L.Y., Silvius, M., Wedeux, B.M.M., Hoyt, A., Osaki, M., Takashi, H., Takahashi, H., Kohyama, T.S., Haraguchi, A., Nugroho, N.P., Coomes, D.A., Le, P.Q., Dohong, A., Gunawan, H., Gaveau, D.L.A., Langner, A., Lim, F.K.S., Edwards, D.P., Giam, X., van der Werf, G., Carmenta, R., Verwer, C.C., Gibson, L., Grandois, L., Graham, L.L.B., Regalino, J., Wich, S.A., Rieley, J., Kettridge, N., Brown, C., Pirard, R., Moore, S., Capilla, B.R., Ballhorn, U., Hua, C.H., Hoscilo, A., Lohberger, S., Evans, T.A., Yulianti, N., Blackham, G., Onrizal, Husson, S., Murdiyarso, D., Pangala, S., Cole, L.E.S., Tacconi, L., Segah, H., Tonoto, P., Lee, J.S.H., Schmilewski, G., Wulffraat, S., Putra, E.I., Cattau, M.E., Clymo, R.S., Morrison, R., Mijahid, A., Miettinen, J., Soo, C.L., Valpola, S., Wilson, D., D'Arcy, L., Gerding, M., Sundari, S., Thorton, S.A., Kalisz, B., Chapman, S.J., Mat Su, A.S., Basuki, I., Itoh, M., Traeholt, C., Sloan, S., Sayok, A.K., Andersen, R.
  • Author Affiliation: International Center for Tropical Agriculture, Center for International Forestry Research
  • Subjects: tropical, peatlands, agriculture, sustainability, emission, subsidies, oil palms, Acacias
  • Publication type: Letter
  • Source: Global Change Biology 23(3): 977-982
  • Year: 2017
  • DOI:
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