
Zeolites and Aggregate-Stabilizing Microbes for Reducing the Degradation and Carbon Emissions in Tropical Peatlands

In tropical regions, controversy about peatland and its use continues to arise when confronted with a trade-off between sustainable use and carbon emission, partly responsible for global climatic changes. Peatland areas offer considerable potential to produce food, feed, industrial, and energy crops. In Indonesia the peat dilemma has been intensified by the growing interest in oil palm cultivation during the last two decades. Therefore, a suitable technology needs to be provided, namely one that is technically applicable, economically feasible, and environmentally sustainable. A new technology, the so-called zeo-bio-technology is proposed and discussed in this research review. The technology entails a combination of a high exchange capacity mineral, i.e. Bayah zeolites (Pandeglang, Banten), and effective aggregate-stabilizing microbes, i.e. exo-polysaccharides-producing bacteria. These could be employed to reduce organic matter decomposition, enhance carbon sequestration, and improve aggregate formation and water holding capacity of peat. The zeolite mineral is known to have an excellent molecular sieve property which enables it to hold organic carbon compounds, ammonia, and water leading to its potential use for carbon sequestration. Moreover, the bacterium producing exopolysaccharides promotes a more stable aggregate formation and improves water holding capacity of peat. These improved characteristics will then lead to peat formation which is less susceptible to fire and further degrading processes.
  • Authors: Santi, L.P., Goenadi, D.H., Osaki, M.
  • Author Affiliation: Indonesian Research Institute for Biotechnology and Bioindustry, Hokkaido University
  • Subjects: zeolites, carbon sequestration, tropics, peatlands, degradation, emissions, climate change
  • Publication type: Chapter-R
  • Source: Osaki, M., Tsuji, N., Foead, N., Rieley, J., (eds). 2021. Tropical Peatland Eco-management. 327-335
  • Year: 2021
  • ISSN: 978-981-334-654-3
  • DOI:
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