
Can bioenergy from degraded peatlands provide a potential alternative to meet growing energy demands? Lesson learned from Indonesia

Wednesday, 4 May 2022, 12.30 - 14.00 PM (KST)
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  • Can bioenergy from degraded peatlands provide a potential alternative to meet growing energy demands? Lesson learned from Indonesia

Bioenergy plants grown on degraded peatlands can serve the double function of restoration and providing a sustainable source of energy. With demand for sustainable energy growing significantly across the world, including in the global South and tropical peatland regions, there is an urgent need to rebuild resilient landscapes with multiple functions.

Knowing which bioenergy crops are suitable for cultivation on degraded lands is vital. Other crucial considerations include how such crops can enhance incomes for communities, and support biodiversity and sustainable development. The use of agroforestry systems can be a win-win solution offering agricultural production with fewer damaging environmental consequences.

ITPC is organizing a session at the World Forest Congress to share lessons learned and present the latest research on how renewable biomass can provide an alternative to meet growing energy demands.

The session will highlight:

  • challenges and opportunities for renewable bioenergy from plant sources to provide a potential alternative to meet growing energy demands
  • how agroforestry can be a win-win solution for degraded peatland utilization
  • which aspects of should be emphasized to maximize impact from renewable bioenergy from plant sources.

Speaker and moderator:

  1. Haruni Krisnawati, ITPC Lead Coordinator, moderator
  2. Ary Sudijanto, Director General ASEFI, MoEF, opening remark
  3. Indroyono Soesilo, Chairman, Association of Indonesia Forest Concession Holder (APHI) (View presentation)
  4. Budi Leksono, Senior Scientist, National Research and Innovation Agency (BRIN), Indonesia (View presentation)
  5. Mihyun Seol, CIFOR-ICRAF (View presentation)
  6. Sung Ho Choi, Asian Forest Cooperation Organization (AFoCO) (View presentation)
  7. Himlal Baral, Senior Scientist, CIFOR-ICRAF (View presentation)

For more information:

Haruni Krisnawati
ITPC Lead Coordinator
Email: harunikrisnawati@gmail.com

Haruni Krisnawati
ITPC Lead Coordinator


Founding member states
Republic of Indonesia Republic of the Congo Democratic Republic of the Congo Republic of Peru
Coordinating partners
Ministry of Environment and Forestry Republic of Indonesia CIFOR UN Environment FAO