subject area of
- Atmospheric CH4 and CO2 enhancements and biomass burning emission ratios derived from satellite observations of the 2015 Indonesian fire plumes Academic Article
- Characterizing Forest Degradation and Carbon Biomass Assessment in Tropical Peatlands using Multi-Temporal and Multi-Polarizations SAR Data Presentation
- Characterizing degradation of palm swamp peatlands from space and on the ground: An exploratory study in the Peruvian Amazon Academic Article
- Dapatkah kematangan gambut dijadikan proxy kandungan bahan organik dan bobot isi dalam penghitungan cadangan karbon gambut tropis secara cepat?
- Denial of long-term issues with agriculture on tropical peatlands will have devastating consequences Letter
- Estimation of Annual Greenhouse Gas Emissions from Forest and Peat Lands in Central Kalimantan Book
- FAOSTAT estimates of greenhouse gas emissions from biomass and peat fires Academic Article
- Impact of land use change on greenhouse gases emissions in peatland: A review Academic Article
- Metode Standar untuk Pendugaan Emisi Gas Rumah Kaca dari Sektor Kehutanan di Indonesia (Versi 1) Book
- PEATMAP: Refining estimates of global peatland distribution based on a meta-analysis Academic Article
- Pembelajaran Praktis: Reforestasi Berbasis Masyarakat di Hutan Rawa Gambut Book
- Pendugaan Emisi Gas Rumah Kaca Tahunan dari Hutan dan Lahan Gambut di Kalimantan Tengah Book
- Radiocarbon analysis reveals that vegetation facilitates the release of old methane in a temperate raised bog Academic Article
- Reference Level for the Estimation of Emission Reduction from Peatland Restoration
- Regional air quality impacts of future fire emissions in Sumatra and Kalimantan Academic Article
- Standard Methods for Estimating Greenhouse Gas Emissions from the Forestry Sector in Indonesia (Version 1) Book
- Subsidence and carbon dioxide emissions in a smallholder peatland mosaic in Sumatra, Indonesia Academic Article
- Unraveling past impacts of climate change and land management on historic peatland development using proxy-based reconstruction, monitoring data and process modeling Academic Article