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Aplin, P. Person
Baird, A.J. Person
Composition and concentration of root exudate analogues regulate greenhouse gas fluxes from tropical peat Academic Article
Cooper, H.V. Person
Craigon, J. Person
Dhandapani, S. Person
Evers, S. Person
Gauci, V. Person
Girkin, N.T. Person
Interactions between labile carbon, temperature and land use regulate carbon dioxide and methane production in tropical peat Academic Article
Kilbride, E. Person
Lopes, dos, Santos, R.A. Person
Lopez, O. Person
Lopez, O.R. Person
Low, R. Person
Methane emissions from tree stems in neotropical peatlands Academic Article
Moss-Hayes, V. Person
Ostle, N. Person
Peacock, M. Person
Peat Properties, Dominant Vegetation Type and Microbial Community Structure in a Tropical Peatland Academic Article
Root exudate analogues accelerate CO2 and CH4 production in tropical peat Academic Article
Root-derived CO2 flux from a tropical peatland Academic Article
Siegenthaler, A. Person
Sjögersten, S. Person
Spatial variability of organic matter properties determines methane fluxes in a tropical forested peatland Academic Article
Swindles, G.T. Person
Temperature response of ex-situ greenhouse gas emissions from tropical peatlands: Interactions between forest type and peat moisture conditions Academic Article
Testing the relationship between testate amoeba community composition and environmental variables in a coastal tropical peatland Academic Article
Turner, B. Person
Turner, B.L. Person
Vane, C.H. Person