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A linear programming model to biophysically assess some ecosystem service synergies and trade-offs in two Irish landscapes Academic Article
Archer, E. Person
Artz, R.R.E. Person
Connolly, J. Person
Corrigan, E. Person
Derivation of greenhouse gas emission factors for peatlands managed for extraction in the Republic of Ireland and the United Kingdom Academic Article
Detecting peatland drains with Object Based Image Analysis and Geoeye-1 imagery Academic Article
Dixon, S.D. Person
Evaluating goal programming as a backcasting tool to assess the impact of local stakeholder determined policies on the future provision of ecosystem services in forested landscapes Academic Article
Evans, C.D. Person
Holden, N.M. Person
Nieuwenhuis, M. Person
Owen, H.J.F. Person
Renou-Wilson, F. Person
Smith, T.E.L. Person
Wilson, D. Person