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A Potential Approach for Enhancing Carbon Sequestration During Peatland Restoration Using Low-Cost, Phenolic-Rich Biomass Supplements Academic Article
A hydrogeological landscape framework to identify peatland wildfire smouldering hot spots Academic Article
A new method to map groundwater table in peatlands using unmanned aerial vehicles Academic Article
A radiative forcing analysis of tropical peatlands before and after their conversion to agricultural plantations Academic Article
Agricultural drainage increases the photosynthetic capacity of boreal peatlands Academic Article
Alshehri, A. Person
Altdorff, D. Person
Arroyo-Mora, J.P. Person
Asselin, M. Person
Assessing the peatland hummock-hollow classification framework using high-resolution elevation models: Implications for appropriate complexity ecosystem modeling Academic Article
Baird, A.J. Person
Barber, Q.E. Person
Beaudoin, Y. Person
Bedard-Haughn, A. Person
Berger, S. Person
Betis, H. Person
Bhatti, J.S. Person
Bhiry, N. Person
Birks, S.J. Person
Blodau, C. Person
Bona, K.A. Person
Bourgault, M.-A. Person
Bourgeois, B. Person
Brice, M.-H. Person
Burd, K. Person
Burn, C.R. Person
Castilla, G. Person
Charman, D.J. Person
Chasmer, L.E. Person
Chen, H. Person
Comte, J. Person
Conicocassis, a new genus of Arcellinina (testate lobose amoebae) Academic Article
Connon, R. Person
Cooper, M.D.A. Person
Couwenberg, J. Person
Crevecoeur, S. Person
Cruaud, P. Person
Czimczik, C.I. Person
Dabros, A. Person
Davidson, S.J. Person
Developing allometric equations for estimating shrub biomass in a boreal fen Academic Article
Development of a water quality index for watercourses downstream of harvested peatlands Academic Article
Devito, K.J. Person
Differential response of carbon cycling to long-term nutrient input and altered hydrological conditions in a continental Canadian peatland Academic Article
Dion, N. Person
Disturbance Impacts on Thermal Hot Spots and Hot Moments at the Peatland-Atmosphere Interface Academic Article
Diversity and potential activity of methanotrophs in high methane-emitting permafrost thaw ponds Academic Article
Dommain, R. Person
Duchesne, S. Person
Dunn, C. Person
Dyer, R.D. Person
Ecohydrological change following rewetting of a deep-drained northern raised bog Academic Article
Estimating Peatland water table depth and net ecosystem exchange: A comparison between satellite and airborne imagery Academic Article
Estop-Aragonés, C. Person
Evaluation of phenospectral dynamics with Sentinel-2A using a bottom-up approach in a northern ombrotrophic peatland Academic Article
Fall, M. Person
Fires of the last millennium led to landscapes dominated by early successional species in Québec's Clay Belt Boreal Forest, Canada Academic Article
Fisher, J.P. Person
Flannigan, M. Person
Flannigan, M.D. Person
Forestland-peatland hydrologic connectivity in water-limited environments: hydraulic gradients often oppose topography Academic Article
Fortin, C. Person
Freeman, C. Person
Frolking, S. Person
Fréchette, B. Person
Gaffney, P.P.J. Person
Garneau, M. Person
Garnett, M.H. Person
Geotechnical characterization of peat-based landfill cover materials Academic Article
Gharedaghloo, B. Person
Gibson, C. Person
Gibson, C.M. Person
Gibson, J.J. Person
Glaser, P.H. Person
Goebel, M. Person
Goetz, J.D. Person
Gong, Y. Person
Granath, G. Person
Grondin, P. Person
Gunn, J.M. Person
Guêné-Nanchen, M. Person
Gyimah, A. Person
Hartley, I.P. Person
Hayne, S. Person
Hayne, S.L. Person
He, A. Person
Heffernan, L. Person
Helbig, M. Person
Hokanson, K.J. Person
Holden, J. Person
How do hydrogeological setting and meteorological conditions influence water table depth and fluctuations in ombrotrophic peatlands? Academic Article
Hugron, S. Person
Humphreys, E. Person
Ifimov, G. Person
Inamdar, D. Person
Increased deep soil respiration detected despite reduced overall respiration in permafrost peat plateaus following wildfire Academic Article
Investigation of the climatological impacts of agricultural management and abandonment on a boreal bog in western Newfoundland, Canada Academic Article
Isotope-based partitioning of streamflow in the oil sands region, northern Alberta: Towards a monitoring strategy for assessing flow sources and water quality controls Academic Article
Jeltsch‐Thömmes, A. Person
Jones, T.G. Person
Joos, F. Person
Jutras, S. Person
Kalacska, M. Person
Keller, W.B. Person
Kettridge, N. Person
Khoshand, A. Person
Knorr, K.-H. Person
Kokelj, S.V. Person
Krause, S. Person
Kurz, W.A. Person
Lafleur, P. Person
Lafleur, P.M. Person
Landry, T. Person
Larocque, M. Person
Lavoie, M. Person
Le, T.B. Person
LeBlanc, M.-C. Person
Leblanc, G. Person
Lemay, M.A. Person
Lennartz, B. Person
Leonard, R. Person
Leonard, R.M. Person
Lewkowicz, A.G. Person
Limited release of previously-frozen C and increased new peat formation after thaw in permafrost peatlands Academic Article
Lovejoy, C. Person
Lovitt, J. Person
Luan, J. Person
Lucanus, O. Person
Lukenbach, M.C. Person
Macleod, J. Person
Marcoux, O. Person
Matveev, A. Person
McCarter, C.P.R. Person
McDermid, G.J. Person
Mendoza, C. Person
Mendoza, C.A. Person
Mercer, J.J. Person
Microbial community structure and methane cycling potential along a Thermokarst pond-peatland continuum Academic Article
Montemayor, M.B. Person
Moore, P.A. Person
Moore, T.R. Person
Morris, P.J. Person
Murton, J.B. Person
Nasser, N.A. Person
Near-zero methane emission from an abandoned boreal peatland pasture based on eddy covariance measurements Academic Article
Nelson, S.A. Person
Nitrous oxide fluxes of a boreal abandoned pasture do not significantly differ from an adjacent natural bog despite distinct environmental conditions Academic Article
Olefeldt, D. Person
Parisien, M.-A. Person
Paterson, A.M. Person
Patterson, R.T. Person
Peatland bryophyte responses to increased light from black spruce removal Academic Article
Peatland hydrological dynamics as a driver of landscape connectivity and fire activity in the Boreal plain of Canada Academic Article
Peatlands and Landscapes in a changing north Presentation
Pellerin, S. Person
Peterson, E.S. Person
Petroleum exploration increases methane emissions from northern peatlands Academic Article
Petrone, R. Person
Petrone, R.M. Person
Phoenix, G.K. Person
Pinceloup, N. Person
Plant reintroduction in restored peatlands: 80% successfully transferred – Does the remaining 20% matter? Academic Article
Pore-scale controls on hydrological and geochemical processes in peat: Implications on interacting processes Academic Article
Poulin, M. Person
Praetzel, L.S.E. Person
Price, J. Person
Price, J.S. Person
Pyper, M. Person
Quinton, W.L. Person
Rahman, M.M. Person
Raymond, S. Person
Respiration of aged soil carbon during fall in permafrost peatlands enhanced by active layer deepening following wildfire but limited following thermokarst Academic Article
Rezanezhad, F. Person
Rochefort, L. Person
Role of morphological structure and layering of Sphagnum and Tomenthypnum mosses on moss productivity and evaporation rates [Influence de la morphologie et de la superposition des couches de mousses de type Sphagnum et Tomenthypnum sur la productivité de la plante et le taux d’évaporation] Academic Article
Roulet, N.T. Person
Roux, N. Person
Sanderson, N.K. Person
Saraswati, S. Person
Scale and watershed features determine lake chemistry patterns across physiographic regions in the far north of Ontario, Canada Academic Article
Schaaf, E.S. Person
Scott, R. Person
Seasonal shifts in export of DOC and nutrients from burned and unburned peatland-rich catchments, Northwest Territories, Canada Academic Article
Seed storage behaviour of eight peatland pool specialists: Implications for restoration Academic Article
Seismic lines in the boreal and arctic ecosystems of North America: Environmental impacts, challenges, and opportunities Academic Article
Severe wildfire exposes remnant peat carbon stocks to increased post-fire drying Academic Article
Shaw, C.H. Person
Sibbald Research Wetland: Mountain peatland form and ecohydrologic function as influenced by beaver Academic Article
Simpson, B.N. Person
Simulating the long-term impacts of drainage and restoration on the ecohydrology of peatlands Academic Article
Soffer, R. Person
Soffer, R.J. Person
Sonnentag, O. Person
Spatially-integrated estimates of net ecosystem exchange and methane fluxes from Canadian peatlands Academic Article
Spence, C. Person
St-Hilaire, A. Person
Strack, M. Person
Tanentzap, A.J. Person
Tank, S.E. Person
The importance of pH and sand substrate in the revegetation of saline non-waterlogged peat fields Academic Article
Thierry, A. Person
Thompson, D.K. Person
Treharne, R. Person
Ultrahigh-resolution mapping of peatland microform using ground-based structure from motion with multiview stereo Academic Article
Van, Beest, C. Person
Van, Cappellen, P. Person
Vegetation changes in temperate ombrotrophic peatlands over a 35 year period Academic Article
Vigneron, A. Person
Vincent, W.F. Person
Vogt, J. Person
Waddington, J.M. Person
Walker, J.C. Person
Wang, M. Person
Warmer spring conditions increase annual methane emissions from a boreal peat landscape with sporadic permafrost Academic Article
Webster, K.L. Person
Westbrook, C.J. Person
Whitman, E. Person
Wildfire as a major driver of recent permafrost thaw in boreal peatlands Academic Article
Wildfire overrides hydrological controls on boreal peatland methane emissions Academic Article
Williams, M. Person
Wolfe, S.A. Person
Wu, J. Person
Xu, B. Person
Xu, X. Person
Yi, Y. Person
Young, D.M. Person
Zhu, X. Person