subject area of
- Age, extent and carbon storage of the central Congo Basin peatland complex Academic Article
- Expert assessment of future vulnerability of the global peatland carbon sink Academic Article
- Latitudinal limits to the predicted increase of the peatland carbon sink with warming Academic Article
- Linking ecology and systematics of acidobacteria: Distinct habitat preferences of the Acidobacteriia and Blastocatellia in tundra soils Academic Article
- Paludiculture: can it be a trade-off between ecology and economic benefit on peatland restoration? Academic Article
- Peatlands and Global Change: Response and Resilience Academic Article
- Plant reintroduction in restored peatlands: 80% successfully transferred – Does the remaining 20% matter? Academic Article
- Response of testate amoebae to a late Holocene ecosystem shift in an Amazonian peatland Academic Article
- Scaling functional traits to ecosystem processes: Towards a mechanistic understanding in peat mosses Academic Article
- Soil Carbon and Nitrogen Dynamics in a Tropical Peatland Chapter
- Studi Ekologi Tumbuhan Sagu (Metroxylon spp) dalam Komunitas Alami di Pulau Seram, Maluku Academic Article
- The Falkland Islands’ palaeoecological response to millennial-scale climate perturbations during the Pleistocene–Holocene transition: Implications for future vegetation stability in the southern ocean islands Academic Article
- Towards a Holarctic synthesis of peatland testate amoeba ecology: Development of a new continental-scale palaeohydrological transfer function for North America and comparison to European data Academic Article
- Wildfire as a major driver of recent permafrost thaw in boreal peatlands Academic Article